Sentences with phrase «dynamic complexity»

The work the paintings do is very much about winning through to a moment of dynamic complexity.
Models are a different but related problem in dynamic complexity.
We are, and live in an environment of dynamic complexity, that is to say, an OPEN System (Peter Senge, 1990).
In Britain, too, the shying away from grand metanarratives and generalizations risks discouraging the sort of thinking and conversing that can do justice to the global scale and dynamic complexity of the situation.
That knowledge is important because it would provide a more comprehensive overview of the dynamic complexity of life.
If you want an immediate sense of Lawrence's far - reaching influence, here it is, in the work of a brilliant younger artist who has taken his narrative impulse, in all its dynamic complexity, in innovative directions.
«As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, I've completed special training to work with couples and families in all of their dynamic complexity.
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