Sentences with phrase «dynamic economies in»

With breakthrough technology companies and research organizations, the largest military concentration in the world, and a strong tourism industry, the San Diego region has one of the most diverse, dynamic economies in the country.
Which, we saw last month, is one of the most dynamic economies in the U.S. today.
Delivering one nation Conservative government, making this country the most dynamic economy in Europe and with his own brand of compassionate Conservative that rightly earned his party the first majority government for decades.»
Despite the fact that China is the biggest carbon emitter on the planet, with the most dynamic economy in the world, the Chinese remain wedded to a 25 - year - old idea that China is still a developing country, in the same category as, say, Uganda, and therefore not responsible for taking action.

Not exact matches

Yet back in 2001, when investment bank Goldman Sachs hit upon the idea of lumping four of the world's most - dynamic developing economies — Brazil, Russia, India and China — into a single bloc, only its most ardent boosters would have expected the concept to catch on like it has.
In transitioning economies around the world, the private sector alone can not develop dynamic and sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems.
No dynamic could be more important in 2018 for investors than how the Federal Reserve manages what should be an accelerating economy.
As a significant contributor to the nation's economy — 40 % in Dubai, and 60 % of the overall UAE economy — the small and medium business (SMB) market is a highly dynamic one with unique connectivity needs that must be supported.
«I think in the country, people said at where we are right now, we need to have some of these things in place, but now with a dynamic and robust economy and what we see happening right now with the tax cuts and job bill, it makes a lot of things more possible,» Kelly said.
Despite the long record of advocacy for marijuana legalization, the cannabis economy has emerged suddenly at a dynamic moment in the marketing, advertising and political worlds.
In a dynamic economy, businesses are born, grow, and die; jobs are created and lost; and resources are reshuffled according to their best use.
In a dynamic economy, workers must be able to use their skills, wherever in Canada they choose to worIn a dynamic economy, workers must be able to use their skills, wherever in Canada they choose to worin Canada they choose to work.
I highly appreciate you for your efforts regarding the webinar Festival of Traders.Trade keeps our economy open, dynamic, and competitive, and helps ensure that Singapore continues to be the best place in the world to do business.
The pitfalls of this financial dynamic were not apparent in the early years after World War II, largely because economies emerged with their private sectors free of debt.
The WE FOR SHE conference will play an important role in growing our provincial economy and advancing gender equity by giving students a greater understanding of their career options and potential, expanding their confidence in what they can achieve, and giving them a chance to meet dynamic and successful role models.
«The TPP will provide increased and privileged market access for Canadian exports, services and investments in one of the world's most dynamic economic regions, which represents nearly 40 per cent of the world's economy,» said Iain Black, President and CEO of The Vancouver Board of Trade.
Bringing together strategic investors, dynamic entrepreneurs, and key leaders in local communities to expand the innovation economy.
Dynamic analysis: An approach to calculating how a tax proposal would affect the economy in the short and long run by determining the policy's macroeconomic effects.
In many ways, the sky - high confidence in the global economy being reported mirrors the dynamic of the deals markeIn many ways, the sky - high confidence in the global economy being reported mirrors the dynamic of the deals markein the global economy being reported mirrors the dynamic of the deals market.
The data were even regarded as proof of dynamic growth in the US economy since they hit a record high compared to recent years.
The index is a dynamic measure of personal wealth based on changes in markets, the economy and Bloomberg reporting.
He needs to re-frame a market economy that has all the potential for dynamic change and explosive growth but is mired in old - style economics and crony capitalism.
Emanuele studied the global economy, which makes him an expert in the Forex and CFD markets and their dynamic nature.
And Americans will pay the costs of the misguided «stimulus» for a decade or more, in fewer jobs and a less dynamic economy.
Productivity growth — which is the increase in output per unit of input — is the lifeblood of dynamic economies.
Unveiling the new programme in London, Mark Carney, the Bank's Governor, said: «Economies are complicated, dynamic, and continually evolving techniques.»
Whilst there is clear competition for serviced office occupiers from other innovative cities across Europe, thanks to its robust economy, strong infrastructure and dynamic cultural scene, London has everything to play for as it continues to lead the world in the serviced office market.
Authored by Asia investment legend Peter Churchouse, The Churchouse Letter is essential reading for investors — in Asia and around the world — focused on building wealth in the world's most dynamic and fast - growing economies.
APEC is also where practical efforts are being made that will help Canadian companies take advantage of the opportunities available in the dynamic and fast - growing economies in Asia.
«Hispanic business owners are a dynamic, powerful force in our growing economy, and the actions of our government have a tremendous impact on whether they are able to continue to thrive and create jobs.
The New Democrat vision for a strong, dynamic economy includes a fair and competitive tax environment, support for small business, fiscal responsibility, a fair minimum wage with predictable increases, and investment in green jobs to diversify our economic base.
Whether in evangelical, practical, or intellectual terms, the combination of the three systems in one — the democratic republic, a creative and dynamic economy, and an open, free, and pluralistic culture — has a proven modern record, surpassed by none, of raising up the poor.
Although they did not deny the role of land, they focused on the other two as the sources of dynamic growth in the economy.
Cities like Sao Paolo in Brazil have become dynamic centers of a modern economy.
«One of the things that we have placed focus on in our company and requires even more attention, is a dynamic training program, to offer the right type of service to really help improve the overall image within the food industry and to help raise the customer service bar in general in the BVI, which has an economy based on tourism and financial services,» she says.
See also, for example, Fluer Anderson, «Producers in Power Push» (The Australian Financial Review, 20 October 2014, page 5), Fluer Anderson and Katie Walsh, «Cold shoulder for carve - ups» (The Australian Financial Review, 22 October 2014, p 11), Editorial, «Open economy is good for the farm» (Australian Financial Review, 21 October 2014, p 58), Lexi Metherell, «Agriculture green paper to spark debate over water, competition» (ABC Radio, The World Today, 20 October 2014) and Joe Kelly, «Green paper canvasses court orders to break up businesses» (Dynamic Business, 20 October 2014).
I confess that I have become somewhat blasé about the range of exciting — I think revolutionary is probably more accurate — technologies that we are rolling out today: our work in genomics and its translation into varieties that are reaching poor farmers today; our innovative integration of long — term and multilocation trials with crop models and modern IT and communications technology to reach farmers in ways we never even imagined five years ago; our vision to create a C4 rice and see to it that Golden Rice reaches poor and hungry children; maintaining productivity gains in the face of dynamic pests and pathogens; understanding the nature of the rice grain and what makes for good quality; our many efforts to change the way rice is grown to meet the challenges of changing rural economies, changing societies, and a changing climate; and, our extraordinary array of partnerships that has placed us at the forefront of the CGIAR change process through the Global Rice Science Partnership.
Marxism offers little guidance — other than alerting us to the importance to the state of those dynamic sectors in which a national economy has comparative advantage.
On principle, social democrats have long believed in a flourishing market economy generating the fruits of growth to invest in a dynamic public realm.
We've seen this dynamic at work all around the world, as cell coverage penetrates to areas that wires have never reach, and it's changed lives and whole local economies in the process.
With our economy growing and diversifying at an impressive rate thanks to a dynamic and forward looking leadership and Vision 2020, there are huge opportunities for a further entrenchment of Oman - UK ties in areas such as infrastructure, construction, financial services, energy, science, healthcare, defence and education.
It's a privilege to work with one of New York's premier business experts, ESD President & CEO Kenneth Adams, to help promote and implement Governor Cuomo's dynamic job creation strategy to recharge our economy,» Shafran said in a press release (an early copy of which was provided to CapTon).
Naturally we might expect Tory or UKIP voters to be less interested in such protections (even among Tory Remainers), and even keen to remove them to have a supposedly «more dynamic, less red tape» economy.
When George Osborne announced in November 2014 that Greater Manchester was to get its own directly elected «metro mayor», he lauded the potential for dynamic civic leadership to develop the city - region's economy and transport infrastructure.
The April 2007 Dynamic Model of the UK Economy commissioned by the TPA from the Centre for Economics and Business Research and How Cutting Corporation Tax Would Boost Revenue both looked at the potential dynamic returns from cuts in corporatiDynamic Model of the UK Economy commissioned by the TPA from the Centre for Economics and Business Research and How Cutting Corporation Tax Would Boost Revenue both looked at the potential dynamic returns from cuts in corporatidynamic returns from cuts in corporation tax.
Our mission is to foster a skilled and competitive workforce by promoting an understanding of workforce trends and issues in a dynamic economy and to facilitate lifelong learning for individuals and businesses.
In a New York Times interview, Stephanie Miner asserts that the approach of her fellow Democrat, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, has «not changed the dynamic of the upstate economy
When staggering portions of our population contribute to society and economy, continuing to disenfranchise them as Brexit solidifies leaves a gap in our political dynamic
In the interview on Thursday, she also faulted what she called the governor's «transactional» approach to government, which, she said, was designed to get «good headlines,» but has «not changed the dynamic of the upstate economy
I don't think it involved a wholesale strategic change because in my leadership election I spoke about the importance of a strong society, of a dynamic economy and those two things remain.»
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