Sentences with phrase «dynamic effort days»

The Westside Barbell has adopted that concept for their dynamic effort days.
Three days after my Dynamic Effort Day, I would focus on hitting anywhere from a 1 - 5 rep max on the SAME core lift I did three days prior (it's important to note that I'd rotate implements as well as the style of OH lift in order to continuously adapt to different stimuli).
They do a dynamic effort day on the bench where they use 8 × 3.
Leg days should be divided into one ME day focused heavily on posterior chain strengthening for balance purposes (deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, good mornings, and glute - ham raises), and a dynamic effort day designed to improve explosive leg power, incorporating both plyometric movements (lunge hops, box jumps, jump squats) and more traditional speed / explosive movements (power cleans, speed squats, full cleans, split squats).

Not exact matches

After two weeks of interviews with St. Louis faith leaders and advocates, and several days on the ground moving between mobilizing efforts in Ferguson and dialogues with evangelical faith leaders, I see the same dynamic at work here.
This squat day is entirely built around the box squat, but it follows a high - volume plan with either 12 doubles or 5 sets of 5 reps.. On these days, I follow a maxim of the late Fred «Dr. Squat» Hatfield, a world champion powerlifter: Stay within 80 percent for your working weight on dynamic - effort day.
These are maximum effort (ME) work and dynamic effort (DE) work, which primarily refers to the intensity and cadence of a specific lift or a given day depending on how it is incorporated into the athlete's overall routine.
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