Sentences with phrase «dynamic equilibrium»

Dynamic equilibrium refers to a balanced state where opposing forces or processes are happening at the same rate, resulting in no net change. It is like a constant back-and-forth motion but with no overall change. Full definition
Instead we should think of them as being in a state of dynamic equilibrium with the outside world, an equilibrium point that is constantly shifting in response to a changing environment.
This shows that there was some kind of dynamic equilibrium between atmospheric and biogenic / oceanic compartiments with continuous and seasonal exchanges only modulated by temperature.
However you still have to define LTE (local Thermodynamic Equilibrium) and its physical characteristics before you can go on to describe LDE (Local Dynamic Equilibrium) were things ARE varying.
Students get a chance to be scientists, designers, makers and players as they learn all about human body systems, cellular functions, and the ability of the human organism to maintain dynamic equilibrium.
In her quest for dynamic equilibrium, it was Riley's introduction of greyscale effect — the mid-point between black and white — that had the greatest impact on the development of her oeuvre.
The above also is true for the opposite effect: if there were no other fast releases (like lots of volcanoes spewing lots of CO2 in short time), the ocean temperature will give more or less CO2, until a new dynamic equilibrium between ocean releases (mainly near the tropics) and sinks (mainly near the poles) and the biosphere releases and sinks is reached.
Temperate, mesic forests (TMFs) are generally viewed as being in a shifting - mosaic or a kind of dynamic equilibrium at broad spatial scales.
Dynamic equilibria change, though, when circumstances or technology changes.
Atoms and molecules, for example, are energy systems exhibiting more or less dynamic equilibrium.
The CCEA analyzed the 752 responses — which represent about one quarter of the Diaper Bank's recipients — according to the Regional Economic Model Inc.'s dynamic equilibrium model.
Lastly, if as a mentor you have tried your best but have been unable to achieve dynamic equilibrium with your mentee, finish the relationship on a positive note anyway.
Homeostasis is the property of an open system, especially living organisms, to regulate its internal environment to maintain a stable, constant condition, by means of multiple dynamic equilibrium adjustments, controlled by interrelated regulation mechanisms.
«If it turns out that those outer stars aren't actually moving faster than the inner ones, then the galaxy could be in what's called dynamic equilibrium.
In ES cells these events would have been amplified, as potential developmental intermediates have been trapped and are maintained in a stable dynamic equilibrium.
The effect of the equilateral cruciform, creating a trisected square, is far removed from the vital, dynamic equilibrium Mondrian sought.
Now, clouds do not make heat exchange imponderable, especially in long term trends of climate analysis, the averages due to what we already know about dynamic equilibrium outcomes and what we observe in the feedbacks going back even greater then 30 years.
Chemicals © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 1 - 7 Negative and Positive Feedback Systems Integration Systems work together to maintain homeostasis Homeostasis is a state of equilibrium Opposing forces are in balance Dynamic equilibrium — continual adaptation Physiological systems work /
However, the binding of GluA2 to ABP / GRIP is in dynamic equilibrium with PICK1, due to the phosphorylation status of Ser880 (Matsuda et al 1999, Chung et al 2000).
But the manner of change in living things is not exhausted by the facts of dynamic equilibrium in homeostatic open systems.
An organism has a dynamic equilibrium which allows it to assimilate and respond to a changing environment in order to preserve its unique identity.
Soil processes with respect to carbon are characterized by the dynamic equilibrium of input (photosynthesis) and output (respiration).
The Wyss team also studied the role fluid flow and the wave - like peristaltic movement of the gut plays in maintaining a dynamic equilibrium of the gut microbiome, finding that absence of peristaltic movement can lead to rampant overgrowth of bacteria completely independent of changes in fluid flow.
Which of these becomes dominant depends on the relative concentrations of the tubulins and the motor proteins: In a certain concentration range the dynamic equilibrium between growth and shrinkage of the microtubules operates as it would if resources were not limiting.
In the new view, the brain looks like «a fluctuating mosaic of areas in a state of dynamic equilibrium,» says V. S. Ramachandran, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Diego.
Le Chatelier's principle holds that if you kick a chemical system that has settled into a dynamic equilibrium, it will react by adopting a new equilibrium.
As an analytical chemist, I think of the relationship between the mentor and mentee as a dynamic equilibrium.
However, there probably needs to be a dynamic equilibrium between the teacher - centric approach and the pupil - centric approach, for the simple reason that learning can not take place without teaching!
The dynamic equilibrium between binary and ternary complexes was found to be regulated by the negative feedback inhibitor USP18, which explains how differential cellular activity of IFNs is correlated with their receptor binding activity.
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