Sentences with phrase «dynamic theory»

Recent, very expensive and elaborate molecular dynamic theories can now estimate the shape of the hill, as well as how far it reaches into the oil.
It is a very subjective and dynamic theory where the number of factors standing in your favour is weighed with respect to the number of factors weighing against you.
-- British Journal of Psychiatry «Allan Schore's... work is leading to an integrated evidence - based dynamic theory of human development that will engender a rapproachement between psychiatry and neural sciences.»
Thus, in contrast to static theories, dynamic theories postulate that life circumstances are related to criminal behavior and that crime can be modified over the life course.
From Augustine's De Vera Religione he dug out a reference to prime matter, which enabled him to propound a dynamic theory of the nature of all things.
He started research in the dynamic theory of atmospheric movement, systematic daily observation of the basic meteorological conditions, intensive calculation of predictions and graphic representation of meteorological change, and timely weather forecasts.
Regarding understanding of dynamic theories, Dr. Bloom caught my drift correctly, «thousands».
Psycho - dynamic theories, Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Mind / Body modalities are used in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment.»
I incorporate psycho - dynamic theory, cognitive behavioral techniques, mindfulness, internal family systems, psycho - education, problem solving, and dream work.
I draw from cognitive behavioral modalities, psycho - dynamic theories and attachment work, as well as expressive arts and experiential mindfulness techniques.
Based on dynamic theories, such as that of Sampson and Laub, the influence of family ties should diminish in late adolescence and young adulthood as the individual makes other important social ties.
This study could advance theories on attachment and delinquency, particularly with regard to potential conceptual differences of attachment constructs in social control and attachment theories, potential gender differences (debate on whether gender specific theories are necessary) and age differences (static versus dynamic theories).
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