Sentences with phrase «dynamics of cell»

The process uses a computational model to generate predictions about the dynamics of cell receptors in different cellular compartments.
Investigating the dynamics of cell sorting at compartment boundaries by real - time in vivo imaging
We have introduced chimeric genes which express GFP in a variety of organelles within the plant cell in order to study the dynamics of cell organization.
«The reason why this has been difficult was because there was not an efficient method to visualize the dynamics of cell division using the living zygote hiding deep inside the plants,» she continues.
«These findings demonstrate that efficient actin filament disassembly by GMF is essential for rapid dynamics of cell protrusions, and that this dynamics are important for cell migration in a three - dimensional tissue environment,» says Minna Poukkula from the research group of professor Pekka Lappalainen.
To investigate, researchers developed mathematical models to predict the dynamics of cell transitions, and compared their results with actual measurements of activity in cell populations.
A major application is research into the dynamics of cell membranes.

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«Cells have not selected against dynamic oscillations in their control circuits, but have made use of them to organize the staggering complexity of cellular dynamics into a well - ordered rhythmic sequence of biochemical processes.
They took the photo during the course of research into the dynamics of keratin filaments in skin cells.
Systems biologist Prof. Thomas Höfer and colleagues (also of the DKFZ) performed mathematical analysis of these experimental data to provide additional insight into blood stem cell dynamics.
On one level, there's the dynamics of electrical currents that constitute the main signaling method of the brain's nerve cells.
The dynamics of the loops are important for the binding of signalling molecules inside and outside of the cell.
Here they used the UK - developed EPOCH «particle - in - cell» code, where particles are modeled as «chunks» that describe the bigger reality of the dynamics of the plasma system.
Frey and his colleagues made use of mathematical models to analyze the complex interplay between ecological factors and population dynamics, and were able to demonstrate that populations can indeed respond in a coordinated fashion to chemical information even when the signal molecules are generated by only a subset of the cells.
«These results provide an unprecedented window into the cellular dynamics of tumor evolution and suggest that interactions between subpopulations of tumor cell types contribute to metastatic progression from initial tumors,» Stanger said.
The activation dynamics of the transcription factor NF - κB exhibit damped oscillatory behavior when cells are stimulated by tumor necrosis factor — α (TNFα) but stable behavior when stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS).
But new research conducted in his lab suggests tRNA dynamics may play an important role in modulating the types of proteins in a cell.
Our side by side analysis uncovers the dynamics of epigenetic programming occurring in germ cell development at single base resolution in human and mouse cells
For example, the wide - field multi-view microscope clearly resolved the spherical protein shell present when Bacillus subtilis forms a spore and also allowed the researchers to observe the dynamics of organelles inside cells.
They found that, by using math models to understand the complex dynamics within cancers, they could use small changes in the environment to promote the growth of cells that are less aggressive and thereby decrease tumor growth.
The significance of the team's approach is that it «enables imaging of live cells in a high - throughput manner at a time resolution at which all biologically relevant dynamics appear static,» he said.
By looking at the dynamics of how the unfolded protein moved in the cell (A), the researchers mapped areas in the cell with different rates of diffusion (B and C).
The link between endocytosis and generation of cortical actin waves may provide deeper insight into how cells maintain the composition and dynamics of the plasma membrane.
The team also demonstrated the utility of the platform by applying it to examine a growth - modulating feedback circuit whose dynamics is qualitatively altered by circuit - host couplings and revealing the behaviors of a toggle switch across scales from single - cell dynamics to population structure and to spatial ecology.
The team used patterned photoactivation non-linear SIM to produce videos showing structural proteins break down and reassemble themselves as cells move and change shape, as well as the dynamics of tiny pits on cell surfaces called caveolae.
The main result of our study is a detailed description of the cell reaggregation process dynamics, and also of the structure of multicellular aggregates of the marine sponges belonging to the Demospongiae class,» explains Andrey Lavrov.
In tumor - bearing mice, the researchers could monitor the real - time dynamics of circulating cancer cells released from a primary tumor.
According to its developers, the technique can be applied to assess mutation dynamics in other types of cells, even human cancer cells.
Although mitochondria, the tiny capsules that produce energy for the cell, are known to play some role in neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders, the contribution of mitochondrial dynamics (mitochondrial trafficking, the regulated fusion and fission, and destruction of mitochondria) has been less clear.
In particular, this study demonstrates the capability to track structural dynamics and remodeling of the cell surface, such as morphogenesis of filopodia, membrane ruffles, pit formation or endocytosis, in response to environmental stimulants.
«These sorts of [developmental] dynamics are not only seen in snails, they are involved in all cell cleavage.»
The complexity of the 3 - D multicellular environment can be overwhelming, Betzig says, but the clarity of his team's imaging permits them to computationally «explode» apart the individual cells in tissue to focus on the dynamics within any particular one, such as the remodeling of internal organelles during cell division.
That technology rapidly and repeatedly sweeps an ultra-thin sheet of light through the cell while acquiring a series of 2 - D images, building a high - resolution 3 - D movie of subcellular dynamics.
In addition, Sox9 acts also as key orchestrator of the extracellular matrix remodeling, cell adhesion and cytoskeleton dynamics required for tumor invasion.
Altogether, our data support the use of SIV infection to better understand the dynamics of fCD8 + cells and to develop bispecific antibodies as a strategy for virus eradication.
By tagging wild type and mutant constructs of ATP7B with Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP), we have followed the copper - dependent dynamics of the protein in polarized WIF - B cells.
She studies the process of cancer initiation and progression along with cancer stem cells, the evolution of drug resistance and the dynamics of metastasis formation focusing on lung, brain, breast and pancreatic cancers.
We will use high and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy like total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) and fluorescence photo - activation localization microscopy (FPALM) to visualize and track the spatio - temporal dynamics of tethering and SNARE proteins in live and fixed cells with single molecule resolution.
We use high pressure technique based on diamond anvil cells to understand the dynamics and structure of materials, especially interfacial phenomenons.
Isotropic acto - myosin dynamics promote organization of the apical cell cortex in epithelial cells.
Identification of proteins that bind and control microtubule nucleation and dynamics during mitosis (Vernos group, Current Biology 2012, 2013, Nature Comm 2014, 2015, Current Biology 2015, J Cell Sci 2016, Mol Biol Cell 2016).
Chromatin dynamics in living cells: Identification of oscillatory motion % U
Spatio - temporal dynamics of replication and transcription sites in the mammalian cell nucleus.
Nck enables directional cell migration through the coordination of polarized membrane protrusion with adhesion dynamics.
In particular, we want to decipher the impact of mitochondrial dynamics and ultra-structure on OXPHOS functionality and mitochondrial performance by imaging the relevant processes on the single organelle and single molecule level in human cells.
For the type I interferon (IFN) receptor (IFNAR) as a paradigm for functional plasticity, we have, within the first funding period, established single molecule imaging techniques for monitoring receptor assembly and dynamics in the plasma membrane of living cells.
Alterations in peripheral blood B cell subsets and dynamics of B cell responses during human schistosomiasis.
Supported by National Institutes of Health grants, researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the University of Tennessee (UT), and the UT — ORNL Joint Institute for Computational Sciences (JICS) discovered a molecular «switch» in a receptor that controls cell behavior using detailed molecular dynamics simulations on a computer called Anton built by D. E. Shaw Research in New York City.
Regulation of cell signaling dynamics by the protein kinase - scaffold Ste5.
Junctophilin - 4, a component of the endoplasmic reticulum — plasma membrane junctions, regulates Ca2 + dynamics in T cells.
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