Sentences with phrase «dynamics of ice»

Icebergs much larger than this have broken off the Antarctic Peninsula, and there is good evidence that warming of the surface air temperature is responsible for at least some of these (though warmer water temperatures, and simply the internal dynamics of ice sheets also play a role).
The study of the past dynamics of ice sheets, the mechanisms of their movement and melting, is of crucial importance for understanding future impacts of climate warming on our planet.
For example, chapter ten, «Ice melts, sea level rises,» discusses the disappearance of tropical mountain glaciers, estimates of sea level rise in the present century, estimates of its costs — the EPA estimated in 1991 that a one - meter rise would cost the US alone between $ 270 billion and $ 475 billion — evidence of past oceanic high - water marks and glacial extents, the dynamics of ice sheet disintegration, the thermal expansion of seawater, icequakes and meltponds, ice mass loss and gain in Greenland and Antarctica, the ozone hole, and the existence and significance of «marine ice sheets.»
The models are certainly wrong when it comes to simulating the rate of arctic sea ice loss, or the full dynamics of ice sheet mass balance changes.
The principal processes affecting the mass balance and dynamics of the ice sheets are ice mass input from snowfall with losses from sublimation and drifting.
The Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land, while the Antarctic is a vast continent ringed by ocean, therefore the dynamics of ice formation and loss are not the same.
«These flows completely change our understanding of the dynamics of ice sheet destruction,» says Alley.
Marine sediment record from the East Antarctic margin reveals dynamics of ice sheet recession.
«Today we know much more about the dynamics of ice melting in Greenland, for example, than was contained in the last IPCC report.»
Due to the dynamics of ice being little understood why is it assumed by the IPCC (for one) that it is unlikely for Antartica or Greenland to melt significantly.
One persistent issue is the dynamics of ice sheets.
If, and this is THE big IF, we have finally passed one of the climate tipping points, then all past statistics are of no value in predicting the new dynamics of ice extent in the arctic.
But on the scale of decades to a century, the dynamics of ice sheets whose disintegration would determine that outcome remain beyond clear human understanding.

Not exact matches

The U.S. team is one of three international groups that sought to penetrate Antarctica's subglacial waters in the past month, seeking clues not only to glacial microbiology but also to ice sheet dynamics and the impact of climate change on the continent.
Given the potentially catastrophic contribution of such land ice to global sea level rise, a better understanding of ice dynamics is one of the key goals of the IPY.
Rising sea levels are certain in a warming world, but there is still substantial uncertainty about the extent of the increase in this century, mainly because the dynamics that could erode the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica remain poorly understood.
Major challenges in the near future include assigning clearer attribution to sea ice as a primary driver of such dynamics, especially in terrestrial systems, and addressing pressures arising from human use of arctic coastal and near - shore areas as sea ice diminishes.
«The strong impact of ocean onto Antarctic ice sheet dynamics, or the knowledge that we have about it, is reinforced by our study,» said lead study author Hannes Konrad of the University of Leeds in an interview with E&E News.
It quickly became clear that this was an environment sealed away from the earth's surface, and although the water in the lake may itself be slowly changed out by the deep - ice dynamics of Antarctica, this process could take well over 10,000 years.
By combining GOCE's high - resolution measurements with information from Grace, scientists can now look at changes in ice mass in small glacial systems — offering even greater insight into the dynamics of Antarctica's different basins.
Golden, a professor of mathematics at the University of Utah, studies the dynamics of sea ice, and he regularly goes out into the field to test his hypotheses.
It turns out, however, that the coupling of models of ice dynamics with thermo - mechanical models of the solid earth allows a more accurate view of the processes that are melting the Greenland ice.
«The past behavior and dynamics of the Antarctic ice sheets are among the most important open questions in the scientific understanding of how the polar regions help to regulate global climate,» said Jennifer Burns, director of the NSF Antarctic Integrated Science System Program.
Because of internal ice - sheet dynamics, it has lost about 50 per...
The researchers used a range of data of other ice sheet dynamics, like snowfall and surface velocity of ice, to create a more detailed overview of Greenland's topography.
However, the details of the process in ice aren't very well understood, and modeling studies that try to capture those dynamics on Europa had yielded some puzzling results, the researchers say.
In these investigations, the shakti spin ice lattices were used to experimentally confirm the ground states of the lattice predicted by Monte Carlo simulations and to study the dynamics and charge screening effects for the system.
Visualization of molecular dynamics simulations showing the fast diffusion of hydrogen ions (pink trajectories) within the solid lattice of oxygen in superionic ice.
New data indicate that substantial areas throughout westernmost Canada were ice free prior to 12.5 ka and some as early as 14.0 ka, with implications for climate dynamics and the timing of meltwater discharge to the Pacific and Arctic oceans.
What is new, and newsworthy, is that the extensive system of liquid water under the ice may provide a better understanding of ice sheet dynamics:
Furthermore, we must understand how changes in sea ice cover affect the feeding ecology of humpback whales and their competitors in the short - term and the dynamics of krill populations over the longer term, particularly given the increasing pressure from commercial krill harvests [36].
Chuck Booth wrote: «The existence of lakes beneath Antarctic ice is nothing new — this has been known for decades... What is new, and newsworthy, is that the extensive system of liquid water under the ice may provide a better understanding of ice sheet dynamics»
What is alarming is that the volume of water and the extent and rapidity of its movement is suprisingly much greater than previously believed, and that a possible, perhaps likely, effect of this on ice sheet dynamics is to make the ice sheets less stable and more likely to respond more quickly to global warming than previously expected.
I will present new numerical models that treat dust coagulation / fragmentation, dust dynamics, simple gas - grain chemistry, and vapor diffusion simultaneously, and explore the connection between the water vapor in the disk atmosphere and the size - distribution and ice - to - rock ratios of the dust grains growing in the midplane.
The project provided seminal discoveries in subglacial hydrological and geological dynamics and also uncovered a diverse microbial ecosystem surviving without any light source thousands of feet below the ice.
Ice velocity mapping of Ice Streams D, F, and the Shirase Coast: flow dynamics and change.
Ice dynamics at the mouth of ice stream B, Antarctica, Journal of Geophysical Research, VIce dynamics at the mouth of ice stream B, Antarctica, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vice stream B, Antarctica, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.
Understanding crustal and mantle dynamics that cause earthquakes and volcanoes, including the nature of links with ice - mass change.
Ice dynamics at the mouth of ice stream B, Antarctica, JoIce dynamics at the mouth of ice stream B, Antarctica, Joice stream B, Antarctica, Jour.
The findings offer additional insight into the dynamics of this highly studied stretch of ice.
Focus of Study I am a geophysicist interested in the dynamics of tectonic processes that cause earthquakes and build mountains and the geodynamics of solid earth - ice sheet interactions.
Wang, L.R., and M. Ikeda, 2004: A Lagrangian description of sea ice dynamics using the finite element method.
It's interesting to note that most of these elements include physics that modellers are least confident about — hydrology, ice sheets and vegetation dynamics.
Dr. Bruce Kay and his colleagues are applying and extending molecular - beam surface scattering techniques to ice surfaces to examine the chemical kinetics and reaction dynamics of molecular processes occurring both on the surface and within the bulk of amorphous and crystalline ice films.
Fichefet, T., and M.A. Morales Maqueda, 1997: Sensitivity of a global sea ice model to the treatment of ice thermodynamics and dynamics.
Huybrechts, P., 2002: Sea - level changes at the LGM from ice - dynamics reconstructions of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets during the glacial cycles.
The Be: Wise project aims to improve understanding of ice - shelf flow dynamics by focusing on the buttressing role of ice rises and pinning points — small offshore mountains which...
Almost all state - of - the - art AOGCMs now include more elaborate sea ice dynamics and some now include several sea ice thickness categories and relatively advanced thermodynamics.
Dan, I know virtually nothing about ice sheet dynamics but even I can understand that, even assuming no lubrification or sliding at the base, lateral ice flow is not going to be caused by the weight of the ice at the center.
the idea of sea - level influence on ice sheet dynamics is not new, but as you indicate, references are not easily googleable.
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