Sentences with phrase «dynamics of many»

It helps crystallize and make classroom work meaningful, it illustrates and illuminates the dynamics of person - to - person relationships....
Nature, especially in our time, is so integrated into the dynamics of society and culture that by now it hardly constitutes an independent variable.
Consider this one: Christians might think that the dynamics of grace and faith in human salvation could only be worked out in Christianity — until they learn, for example, about the intricate, debates between the «cat doctrine» and the «monkey doctrine» in Bhakti Hinduism.
I was a historian of Christianity when I came to this work, and I have always have been intrigued by the dynamics of continuity and change in the Christian church and in how we live as Christian people.
He's an emotional human who's facing a public execution, all while wrestling with the relational dynamics of His followers, friends and family.
The dynamics of germination is exemplified in the macrocosmic process.
It is written by a Canadian criminal defense lawyer, now a Crown prosecutor, and it explores the legal and moral dynamics of the Book of Job with particular emphasis on the distinction between causal responsibility and moral blameworthiness embedded in Job's Oath of Innocence.
Thus when we ascribe mass to an entity, we are asserting a kind of limit on its dynamics.12 Bringing this back to the preprojective, we are saying that insofar as a high - grade society objectifies a given nexus by virtue of the Category of Transmutation in the flattened form that is mass, the dynamics of that nexus are bounded, at least with regard to its extensive relations with the world.
In part, local church people's lack of responsiveness to immediate issues such as the Indochina war represents an earlier failure to provide for social issues in the dynamics of congregational life.
It is akin to having someone with the flu walking around the office or your home, breathing their own contaminants into the air, changing the dynamics of whatever they are a part of.
The director of this program describes why they prefer to use the growth group approach: «It is in the dynamics of a small group that we experience the interactions, feeling responses, and behavior patterns of our own family's relationships — and others.
How rooted we must be in both this world and eternity, how deeply we need to understand the power of the kingdom already here and the hope of its full presence, that is, the dynamics of the Christian life, is beautifully expressed in the Confession of 1967.
Notice the peculiar dynamics of a new association with an institution, whereby a person encounters a whole new configuration of her or his personal past.
It means proclaiming the truth of God through the history of the world and the dynamics of the universe and sharing discernment within the silence of God.
The opportunity for learning about the church's responsibility in society can be structured into the dynamics of congregational life.
The First Amendment permits such dynamics of social survival but does not secure it.
An intellectual awareness of the dynamics of such abuse is not enough.
But the New Testament offers no precise explanation of the dynamics of that sacrifice.
One regrets that she did not disclose the dynamics of her change.
There are no abstract limits to the dynamics of repairing relationships.
Fishon... I wd disagree as to the «solidity» of those documents... rather they appear to be much more mercurial, but nonetheless revealing as to the evolving dynamics of a young faith under construction.
In fact, the problem of sexual differentiation is finally irrelevant to the principle of power conceived in relational imagery, even though sexual differentiation has a bearing on the specific dynamics of relational power involving the two sexes.
Even today, when issues of sexual violence receive considerable media attention, surveys and studies indicate that the majority of ministers and seminary students know almost nothing about the dynamics of sexual and family violence and have little or no experience in dealing with it.
These generate the dynamics of concentration and conglomeration that tend toward the creation of an electronically - based global media empire.
A government seeking to stop terrorism — whether Russia, Indonesia, the United States or Israel — faces in reverse the same dynamics of irrational and counterproductive politics.
Whitehead was a philosopher who seemed to have experienced the world in much the same way that Suchocki had, and his perception of the nature and dynamics of the world was expressed in a comprehensive metaphysics which seemed meaningful to Suchocki in light of her experience.
Whether we are trying to mold others in our own image or others are attempting to do the same to us, the dynamics of operating in this fashion are not helpful, healthy, or constructive; our lives become truncated and are not as rich in experience as they might have been otherwise.
Yet others are champions of globalization who seem to believe that the unstoppable economic dynamics of Wall Street and Silicon Valley have brought us to the point that we really don't need a foreign policy.
Usually called fiction or drama or myth, they make the all - important but invisible structure of social relationships and the hidden dynamics of life visible and understandable.
What actually happens with Gutiérez and others close to him is something like this: they turn to the social sciences for help in understanding the dynamics of the world in which they live; among those they read is Marx, who describes a world in which a «class struggle» is going on.
The book reminded me that I need to shut up and not interfere with the dynamics of my friends» Christ - relationships.
There is so much in the dynamics of human relating, and the most loving and intimate one of course being marriage, the pledge that one embarks on to live, love and nurture all your lives together.
World - system theorists maintain that in today's world the contours of societal change on virtually every continent must be understood in terms of the dynamics of this larger system.
If it is that God is inserting thoughts into a person's mind how does the person know whether the thought insertions are from God or whether they are just as a result of the unconscious dynamics of the person's brain?
In reflecting on the dynamics of religious change, some scholars have shown a tendency to abandon formal theoretical frameworks entirely.
Because societies» fortunes are said to be so closely connected with the dynamics of the broader system, many things can happen over which societies themselves have little control.
Does god make it explicitly, unambiguously clear which of the person's thoughts or which of the things that person hears or sees are coming from him or which of these things are just the result of the unconscious dynamics of the person's brain?
We have noted that historically there have been a variety of subjects whose study has been taken to be the best indirect way to come to understand God more truly: scripture, tradition, «salvation history,» liturgy and the dynamics of worship, religious experience, the historical Jesus, and so forth.
And yet, such concepts are not so strange to one who believes that God is alive and that religion ought to integrate and influence the dynamics of human living.
But neither does she shy from addressing hard truths, for she knows that democracy, far from being a machine that runs of itself, is contingent upon truth and truths - about human nature, the dynamics of power, and what we can reasonably expect from history.
Freud came upon the «death instinct,» which helped to explain the attraction of danger, as well as some of the internal dynamics of repression and self - inflicted pain.
The recent work of German sociologist Jurgen Habermas, in which questions about the formal characteristics of social systems in general and the dynamics of the lifeworld are the focus, exhibits a clear preference for deductive theory of a prescriptive sort.13 Habermas has drawn eclectically from modernization theory and Marxism to create what he calls a reconstructive model of cultural evolution.
It seems to me that God needs to be up front, explicit, unambiguous, clear and direct and tell persons when it is just the unconscious dynamics of their brains at work or when it is actually him who is trying to show them a sign or tell them something / communicate with them.
It is unlikely that the Church of England's decision will profoundly change the current dynamics of the church there, at least for the moment.
That means the dynamics of market such as profit motivation and completion has become the regulatory principles of society.
Though a person's past may add a lot to the dynamics of who they become, the most important factor to consider is who is standing before you today.
He is concerned with the theologico - philosophical, epistemological, psychological, phenomenological and historical analysis of the nature and meaning of religion and with the forms of expression of religious experience and the dynamics of religious life.
Granted that religious forms and institutions, like other fields of human and cultural activity, are conditioned by the nature, atmosphere, and dynamics of a given society, to what extent does religion contribute to the cohesion of a social group and to the dynamics of its development and history?
The Revolution of 1989 in east and central Europe» a world - historical series of events ignited by moral passion, informed by moral conviction, sustained by deft and morally sophisticated politics, and supported by a resolute demonstration that the Soviet Union could not compete with the United States in a serious arms race» raised further questions about classic foreign - policy realism and its narrow focus on «hard power» as the analytic prism for understanding both the dynamics of world politics and the exigencies of American foreign policy.
Note that in a passage such as this, Kierkegaard is giving his attention to the dynamics of crowd behavior as they are revealed in the Gospels.
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