Sentences with phrase «dysfunctional system»

Instead, they just rely on the continuation of the current dysfunctional system.
By forcing insurers to compete for our business, the legislature would improve a notoriously dysfunctional system and transform the health care industry.
There are common types of dysfunctional systems I often see:
Often, their children were sent back into the very same dysfunctional systems to begin the cycle anew.
When talkers wax eloquent about students trapped in dysfunctional systems, they often forget that many teachers feel equally stymied.
(Clearly, education spending can not go to zero and still produce outcomes, but international data make it clear that beyond a certain expenditure level, putting more funds into a deeply dysfunctional system yields rapidly diminishing returns).
It just complicated a really dysfunctional system
A background paper prepared by Daniel Tichenor, a political scientist at the University of Oregon in Eugene, explained that the current, highly dysfunctional system of visas and regulations, like all of U.S. immigration law, arose from a complicated struggle among many interests.
It is a shame that the report did not choose to examine the case for competitive neutrality, for a genuinely level funding and regulatory playing field, as the basis of a more equal and productive Australian school system rather than propose what amounts to the further Balkanisation of an already dysfunctional system.
«We need a new approach to the ongoing failure of our city school systems... one that stops jamming scarce resources into dysfunctional systems that remain impervious to reform and improvement,» Smarick wrote in a recent blog post for a conservative think tank.
For the most part our problems are not caused by ignorance of optimal solutions, but by these clashing interests and values embedded in dysfunctional systems.
This issue must be directly addressed as part of this agreement or school kids in Los Angeles will continue to be victimized by the current dysfunctional system.
It is only a truly dysfunctional system that would buy into the perverse logic that the short - term answer to high gasoline prices is drilling for more oil ten years from now.
In a joint reporting effort, ProPublica, PBS «Frontline» and NPR spent a year looking at the nation's 2,300 coroner and medical examiner offices and found a deeply dysfunctional system that quite literally buries its mistakes.
Icahn cited Dell as one example of a dysfunctional system.
UNITEHERE is a driving force behind a dysfunctional system that enriches those in power to the detriment of its o
This piece of legislation will simply give credence to what continues to be a dysfunctional system and one that is costly and one that has long since outlived its purpose.
Other times, they may be aware their behavior is wrong (although they are less likely to see it as abusive) and simply think they have to act that way to remain part of the dysfunctional system they are in.
Instead, Labour will replace this dysfunctional system with a network of regional, publicly - owned water companies.»
It is going to take some citizen action to head off the debacle of quality educators fleeing a dysfunctional system.
When a dysfunctional system blows up, it's not uncommon for the honest worker who refused to game the system and who therefore wasn't doing as well on measured performance to catch a disproportionate amount of the blame.
Functional medicine physicians focus on restoring balance to the dysfunctional systems by strengthening the fundamental physiologic processes that underlie them and by adjusting the environmental inputs that nurture or impair them.
High levels of stress and burnout among teachers are symptomatic of a dysfunctional system.
By plucking dire schools out of their districts, they sever the link to the dysfunctional systems, contracts, practices, etc. that made these schools low - performing in the first place.
But many are pursuing reforms that are likely to re-create the same dysfunctional system they oppose.
But Ms. Tisch said Mr. Klein successfully took a «dysfunctional system and gave it some management credibility.»
The real cost of this dysfunctional system is not measured in dollars and cents but in the hopes and futures it has destroyed.
A failing system and a dysfunctional system does not need more money to operate.
Do we go back to the dysfunctional system we had?
«We fought for control because in the past it was a dysfunctional system,» he said.
Few people believe that a return to the dysfunctional system of
Few people believe that a return to the dysfunctional system of 32 different community school boards is preferable to mayoral control.
We at College Futures Foundation believe that addressing the challenge of California's dysfunctional system of higher education finance will be difficult, but doable, and that we must start by building a shared understanding between public policy makers and higher education leaders of the problem as well as practical ways to solve it.
I'm inclined to think those particular indies are going indie for reasons other than just making a living in a dysfunctional system.
A new game aesthetic has to be explored: one that revels in problem - making over problem - solving, that celebrates paradoxes and ruptures, that doesn't eschew broken and dysfunctional systems because the broken and dysfunctional systems governing our lives need to be unpacked and not idealized.
This week, we have Dysfunctional Systems,...
Gone are the dysfunctional systems, flabby pacing and technical failings, and in their place is a desire to make Dark Souls more playable, without sacrificing any of its difficulty, obscurity or scale.
EA's current reputation is not the focal point of this review, but you can't deny their dysfunctional system impacted Battlefront II severely.
How does one leverage personal trauma and use it for circumspection and subversion within this dysfunctional system one inhabits?
Delay may also be relevant if it is shown to be the result of a dysfunctional system which yields unpredictable, inconsistent and unfair outcomes.
Delay might be relevant, third, in reducing the weight otherwise to be accorded to the requirements of firm and fair immigration control, if the delay was shown to be the result of a dysfunctional system which yielded unpredictable, inconsistent and unfair outcomes.
And with patent reform stalling today in the Senate, companies are faced with the prospect that the current dysfunctional system may stay in place for some time.
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