Sentences with phrase «eager listeners»

Get the inside scoop on making your audiobook available to millions of eager listeners on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.
I have always wanted to go old school with publishing and can visualize me sitting at a book signing, books piled high in front of me with eager listeners enjoying the excerpts I am reading!
The Company now proudly represents 12 million musical works, all of which were created by songwriters who need to pay their mortgages, feed their kids and keep a little saved for the leaner times so they can continue to do what they do best — create music for eager listeners.
A long line of eager listeners stretches outside a small, dark room at the heart of Sennheiser's CES booth.
Sitting in the barber's chair, I became somewhat evangelistic, and the chap cutting my hair was the eager listener.
Played with poise and poignancy by Irrfan Khan, Pi is first introduced as a middle - aged man, who, naturally, tells his epic story to an eager listener.
If you used ACX to create your audiobook, you will automatically receive 25 Audible promo codes so you can give copies of your audiobook to eager listeners.
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