Sentences with phrase «ear area»

Be sure to warm the product by placing the bottle under hot running water for 30 seconds, place a few drops into the ear cannel, and wipe the outer ear area as well.
Looting of valuable objects such as ancient pottery has long plagued the Bears Ears area.
-- One of the most powerful remedies against otitis media is Hot Foot Bath as it removes bad blood from the infected ear area.
You can use a cotton swab to clean the outside ear area, but never use them inside the ear canal.
Once the sun is up, you can grab a quick breakfast at the lodge or drive through the Mule Ears area.
In those affected, eating apples leads to swelling and rashes or itching in the mouth and gullet, as well as in the ear area, and even to blistering.
Watch for pain around the jaw, face or ear area, chronic headaches, tenderness around the jaw area and clicking or popping of the jaw when you move it around.
While you are doing sexy women neck and ear area, rub your tough thing on her.
Breed standard calls for a pure, white coat, however, a touch of tan or lemon color in the ear area is allowed.
Trauma to the ear areas of the head may result in hearing impairment.
By opening up the ear area the canal becomes less hospital for these painful infections.
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