Sentences with phrase «ear bones»

In lab tests, the researchers raised sea bass at different carbon dioxide concentrations and saw changes in the development of ear bones which help fish sense speed and direction.
HEAR HEAR DNA extracted from an inner ear bone of this dog skull is helping researchers decipher dogs» origin story.
Now, researchers at the University of Bristol and the University of Lincoln, both in the United Kingdom, think they have discovered a mechanism in the ears of Copiphora gorgonensis, a species of katydid from the forests of Colombia, that rivals the middle ear bones in mammals.
In addition to being earphones, the Dash will double as a Bluetooth Headset delivering clear voice quality through the embedded ear bone microphone.
The study includes a unique specimen: the inner ear bone of a nearly 5000 - year - old dog unearthed from Newgrange, a football field — sized mound of dirt and stone on the east coast of Ireland, built around the time of Stonehenge.
It's relatively common for a given gene to dictate a variety of functions from species to species, like the gene that codes for jaw bones in reptiles and also ear bones in humans.
Advances in extracting DNA from a tiny ear bone called the petrous allowed a team led by Iosif Lazaridis and David Reich, population geneticists at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, to analyse the genomes of the 44 Middle Eastern individuals, who lived between 14,000 and 3,500 years ago.
The sculpture comprises a wide variety of objects, including fossilized whale ear bones salvaged from the sea.
Earlier analyses of ancient totoaba ear bones show that juveniles once stayed in the estuary for the first several years of their lives.
Fossilized prehistoric whale ear bones salvaged from the sea, various butterflies, butterfly antennae made from stretched and pulled audiotape recordings of Bob Dylan's «Desolation Row,» concrete, ocean water, pigments, coral, brass, steel, and Plexiglas.
Veeramah is quick to point out Larson's analysis hinged largely on the genome of one ancient pooch, extracted from a 5,000 - year - old fossilized ear bone preserved at a Neolithic site in Ireland called Newgrange.
The fossils include a fragmented skull with ear bones dating to 0.5 to 0.9 million years ago, and a bone containing parts of the middle and inner ear that's 1.7 million to 1.9 million years old.
Has actual cute little ears and working ear bones and can hear sounds through the amniotic fluid — similar to how things sound to you underwater.
If left untreated, patients may suffer a series of life - altering complications such as hearing impairment, middle ear bone erosion or tumour, and brain infection.
In fact, they display the same layout as mammal embryos do today, before the cartilage precursors of the jaw and ear bones separate during gestation.
Tiny middle ear bones belonging to two of our australopith forebears reveal that the hominins lacked our sensitivity to speech frequencies
Mammalian ears have three distinctive features: a tympanic membrane, or eardrum, that vibrates with incoming sound waves; three delicate ear bones that transmit the vibrations into the inner ear; and the cochlea, a fluid - filled coil of sensor cells that respond to vibrations at different frequencies, arranged from high to low like the keys on a piano.
Young coral reef fish with misshapen ear bones are more likely to get lost and die, and exposure to warmer waters makes the problem worse, according to a study of fish living around Lizard Island on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.
The scientists anticipated that the fish would experience problems with bone formation, in particular with the growth of otoliths, the stone - like ear bones that help fish orient themselves in the water.
When a sound travels into the inner ear, from the pinna (outer ear), the waves are channeled to the eardrum (also called the tympanic membrane) which signals the inner ear bones through vibration.
Bone Conduction headphones are devices used to transmit sound waves directly into one's inner ear bones without passing it through the eardrums.
They achieve this with a single middle ear bone, rather than the three we have — again a product of their reptilian ancestry.
* Correction, 4 April, 3:50 p.m.: This item has been updated to more clearly acknowledge a previous, independent analysis of ancient totoaba ear bones.
«DNA gets degrades very quickly in tropical climates, however we found that in the very dense inner ear bone, called the petrous bone, DNA is well preserved even under such adverse environmental conditions for thousands of years,» says Cosimo Posth, doctoral student at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena.
The difficult - to - obtain ancient DNA was extracted from a tiny ear bone — called the petrous — by a team led by Losif Lazaridis and David Reich, two population geneticists at Harvard Medical school.
-- Clove essential oil, Amber teething necklaces, and tea tree oil from behind the ear bone down to jaw!
Bone structure varies considerably (leg bones support far more weight than an inner ear bone), but the printer allows scientists to fine - tune production, creating implants precisely tailored to their location.
DNA had indeed survived in the ear bone, perhaps aided by the cool temperatures in the highland cave.
They age salmon much as they age trees, by counting rings on their ear bones, or otoliths.
The researchers observed this pattern by looking at the ear bone, called an otolith, of more than 300 Dolly Varden fish.
The researcher is particularly interested in squids» inner ear bones, which are called statoliths.
But by looking in, of all places, their ear bones, scientists have learned that the European brown trout doesn't stick to such a simple itinerary: The fish seem to do whatever they please.
Thanks to these modifications, the bony strut began to resemble the stapes, the middle ear bone that derived from it.
«Reptiles have [a] jaw full of ear bones from mammals and mammals have an ear full of jawbones of reptiles,» Luo notes.
More importantly, the nearly complete fossil shows a separation between the jawbones and the inner - ear bones, but one that is incomplete.
«Proportion of the ear bones [is] already like those of modern mammals [in this animal] but the reptilian connection to the jaw is retained.»
Indohyus, for example, has a half - walnut - shaped tympanic (a bony casing around the middle ear bones) with thicker walls on the sides than in front.
The membrane wiggles the three middle - ear bones, which transmit fluctuations to the fluid - filled, snail - shell - shaped cochlea of the inner ear.
Because development often reprises stages of evolution, the growth of embryonic ears in tandem with the jaw is no accident: the sound - transmitting middle ear bones that are a distinguishing feature of mammals evolved from what used to be gill arches in fish and jawbones in reptiles.
DNA was extracted from the teeth, inner ear bones, and other skull bones from two of the skeletons from Devil's Cave, and Hungarian graduate student Veronika Siska was able to sequence enough of the nuclear genome to compare it to hundreds of genomes of modern Europeans and Asians.
Meanwhile, researchers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry are examining shad otoliths, or ear bones, which provide a detailed history of a fish's travels that can be matched to local river chemistry.
They scanned seven minke whale heads in CT and MRI machines, created computer models of the ears and surrounding soft tissue, and dissected the whale noggins to reveal ear fat running from blubber just under the skin to the ear bones.
That's where the three - bone structure of the mammalian middle ear comes in — and, Hoy says, with its intricate structure and mechanical precision in converting these signals, the middle ear bones have long been considered «a whiz - bang miracle.»
These animals» ears are more like that of frogs, lacking an eardrum but having inner ear bones.
On this occasion, for the first time ever, the Theoretical Biology Group added the head muscles and cartilages to the study of the skull bones (including the inner ear bones, the jaw and the bones that connect with head muscles, such as cervical vertebrae and clavicles).
For example, as the researcher points out, the lower jaw / inner ear module shows dependences between bones associated with masticatory muscles and which would not associate otherwise (jaw to parietal, temporal and occipital) as well as inner ear bones.
Both crania have prominent brow ridges and inner ear bones that resemble those of Neandertals but are distinct from our own species, Homo sapiens.

Phrases with «ear bones»

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