Sentences with phrase «ear or eye»

We DO NOT consider the following issues emergencies: minor wounds (where bleeding can be controlled), minor burns (mild discomfort evident), limping, minimal blood in the urine or feces, ear or eye infection, abscesses, diarrhea, irritated spay / neuter incision site, etc..
Many pet guardians observe changes in a pet subsequent to the first series of animal vaccinations - obsessive licking of painful inflammed paws, lethargy, vomiting, itching, ear or eye discharge, to name but a few.
These parasites can also present specific problems when they attach to a sensitive location, such as the ear or eye.
Symptoms can range from itchiness and ear or eye infections, to constant licking and even vomiting or diarrhea.
Insects or other tiny debris can cause inner ear or eye injuries, and sudden turns or stops can lead to injury, especially if the pet falls out of the vehicle!
Flying debris and insects can cause inner ear or eye injuries and lung infections, and abrupt stops or turns can cause major injury, or worse!
However, we can return ear or eye drops, creams, and special shampoos.
If your pet has a pre-existing illness or a history of a recurring medical condition (i.e. allergies, skin, ear or eye infections, etc.), please bring associated medications prescribed by your veterinarian.
«For example, skin issues, digestive issues and even ear or eye problems can be related to allergies.
Jesus invites them now to see through and beyond all that to something that can be apprehended most accurately not by ear or eye, but by heart and soul: his true identity.
The man who has no sense of history, is like a man who has no ears or eyes» - Adolf Hitler «When an opponent declares, «I will not come over to your side,» I calmly say, «Your child belongs to us already... What are you?
Signs of a skull fracture (a swollen, soft area on their scalp, blood in the whites of the eyes or blood or pink fluid draining from the ears or eyes.
However, if silver protein is used by mistake — and is inhaled into the lungs or introduced into the sinuses, ears or eyes — this could foster the growth of bacteria and fungus, causing serious infections to result.
Don't get water in his ears or eyes!
Take care not to obtain any of that hair shampoo in his ears or eyes.
She was kind of a distant «queen», but now she follows me wherever I go and the most important thing: she trusts me much more now, to the point that I can clean her ears or eyes once in a while without any hesitation from her.
I couldn't believe my ears or my eyes.
I would never put the oils directly in your dog's ear or eyes.

Not exact matches

Do they have big ears, pretty eyes, a baldhead, sideburns, scars, thick eyebrows, or another distinctive feature?
Whether using Net Promoter Score or public reviews, let changes in feedback over time be your eyes and ears as you make decisions.
It's probably somewhat symmetric, and it likely has some combination of arms, legs, ears, eyes, or noses.
The BabyBjorn Bouncer Balance Soft is a comfy spot for rest and play, folds flat, and won't assault your eyes and ears with cartoon animals or loud music.
Your character, credibility, competence and confidence will be the defining characteristics for how people listen — with a pair of open ears or rolling eyes.
It means you are so busy keeping one eye on the commercial market, or one ear peeled for the avant - garde coterie, that you are not being yourself.
The best employees are always keeping their eyes and ears open, especially if they are bored or unhappy with their current situation.
Why is it that I still seem deaf to the pleadings of amputees who would like their fingers, arms or legs back, to those who have physically lost eyes or ears, to the horribly burned and to all others who ail from patently visible and currently incurable maladies?
It is not coarse, not fine, not short, not long, not glowing (like fire), not adhesive (like water), without shadow and without darkness, without air and without space, without stickiness, odorless, tasteless, without eye, without ear, without voice, without winds, without energy, without breath, without mouth (without personal or family name, unaging, undying, without fear, immortal, stainless, not uncovered, not covered), without measure, without inside and without outside.
Is it that they lack the eyes to see or the ears to hear?
Three of them are mine and I care for a wee baby or cram in a bit of housework with one ear on an open window, counting them up over and over again with my eyes, one two three, there they are.
So if you ever see something that makes you feel really scared or makes you want to do bad things, you just shut your ears and your eyes to it.
There above all, surely, creative energy awaits us, ready to work in us a transformation beyond anything that human eye has seen or ear heard.
It means not denying what your eyes see or what your ears hear or what your heart feels or what your mind reasons.
Miracles... rest not so much on faces or voices or healing power coming to us from afar off, but upon our perceptions being made finer, so that for a moment our eyes can see and our ears can hear what there is about us always.
But they're not bringing Buddhism, or even buddhism, to the eyes and ears of Silicon Valley; simply, mindfulness.
«Phosphorescent gleams the point of the penis / rudiments or relics, disappearing, appearing, / live in the forlorn focus of the intellect, / eyes and ears, the turmoil of the mind of sensation» is one of the stranger quatrains, describing the emperor of Byzantium, stripped of his cope.
We do this through our hands as we reach out and touch or refrain from touching, our mouths as we speak or remain silent, our ears as we listen to the voices of those who cry out or speak softly, and our eyes as we see things from the perspective of our faith.
You learn to value the person before your eyes or ears or nose cause you to categorize them and then you can start talking to me about «reaching people for God.»
like i said Observer, you are without eyes and ears so of course you will not hear God's word or see His wisdom.
We might as well expect public schools for the indigent to weaken the standard of private education among the wealthy; or asylums for the deaf and blind, to make Possessors of perfect eyes and ears careless of their safety and indifferent to their preservation; or humanity towards the aged and the suffering to promote idleness and improvidence among the young and healthy... as to imagine that asylums for inebriates will promote and increase drunkenness.
If we're honest, a lot of us are tempted to move through life like this at times, covering our eyes and ears to tough, awkward or painful realities around us, hoping that we can buy ourselves a bit more time before we must confront them.
Funny that the Denver shooter was in court and NO ONE EVER MENTIONED IF HIS CHRISTIAN OR ANY OTHER FAITH... I swear if his name was Mohammad than the whole country would be in flames... BUT he was mentally ill so it was justified and the case was closed quietly so everyone can go back to what they do since it has no value to the media... OPEN YOUR EYE and ears...
That is, you need to keep your eyes and ears open for the people whom God brings into your life who need a word of encouragement, a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or simply a listening ear.
We say that we see with our eyes or our eyes see; we hear with our ears or our ears hear.
When was the last time we followed a thought where it would take us without our eyes or ears being pulled away by a screen or an artificial sound?
Some are lazy or as hard as Rocks or Locks and just want to bury their heads into the sand or plugging their ears and covering their eyes as from the Thunders and the Lightenings of the The Truth that One day has to prevail, whether we have wanted or tried to put the light of truth off or block it from sight or bury it alive!!!
To repeat the maxim that beauty is in the eye (or ear) of the beholder does not really help to explain this.
Marketing fear isn't a good plan for tinies, in my humble opinion, I like to guard their gates because I tend to think that if I set scary or evil or even just stupid things before their eyes and ears, then I can't be surprised with the scary or evil or stupid things take up residence in their hearts and minds.
It is not coarse, not fine, not short, not long, not glowing (like fire), not adhesive (like water), without shadow and without darkness, without air and without space, without stickiness (intangible), odorless, tasteless, without eye, without ear, without voice, without wind, without energy, without breath, without mouth, without personal or family name, unaging, undying, without fear, immortal, stainless, not uncovered, not covered, without measure, without inside and without outside.
He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide by what his ears hear; but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth.
According to this interpretation, the visual has removed the oral from the field, or at least has created a crisis between eye and ear.
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