Sentences with phrase «ear pinna»

Liquids, flavored liquids, and transdermal gels, which can be applied to the cat's inner ear pinnae with gloves, may be available.
A dog who frequently shakes its head due to an infection can get an aural hematoma, where a blood vessel within the ear pinna (flap) bursts causing a buildup of blood that makes the ear flaps swell.
The ear pinna will suddenly appear puffy and soft.
This may lead to breakage of the small blood vessels in the ear pinna (external ear flap).
Lift the dog's ear pinna and look into the ear canal.
Left untreated, the blood will reabsorb and form scar tissue, causing the ear pinna to shrink and deform.
The Variation would be to tack the two sides of the ear pinna together leaving an opening to drain any residual bleeding that may occur.
Because the blood can not escape the body, the ear pinna fills like a pillow or balloon.
The ear pinna is shaved and prepped before an incision is made through one layer of skin over the length of the hematoma.
Treatment with an ear wash solution starts by lifting the ear pinna vertically so that the canal opening is visible.
Administering an ear ointment is much the same, except your veterinarian will tell you a specific amount to apply into the ear canal or onto the ear pinna itself.
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