Sentences with phrase «ear swab sample»

My technician collects an ear swab sample from patient A while I talk with the 7 PM appointment (patient B's owner), and collect the ear swab.
Randhurst Animal Hospital is able to perform basic cytology on blood, urine, fecal, and ear swab samples using microscopy.

Not exact matches

Demodectic otitis externa is best detected by collecting samples from the ears with cotton swabs.
Our highly trained technicians evaluate urine, skin scrapings, ear swabs and fecal samples using a variety of equipment like the microscope, refractometer and centrifuge.
She might also swab the ear canal and study the sample under a microscope in order to identify any bacteria, yeast or mites.
Your veterinarian will use a device called an otoscope to look into the ear or will take a sample of any ear discharge with an ear swab.
An ear wax sample will be taken with a swab for examination under a microscope.
He or she will use a cotton swab to take a sample of material from inside your dog's ears and examine it under a microscope.
The choice of medication your veterinarian will prescribe depends upon the findings of an examination and any necessary ancillary tests, such as a fecal examination for intestinal parasites or microscopic examination of a skin sample or an ear swab for ear mites.
This also allows an opportunity to collect samples of wax to look at under the microscope, and swab the ear for culture and sensitivity.
An ear culture is a lab test where your veterinarian swabs your pet's ear and sends the sample in to a lab, which actually determines what organism is growing in there and what medication will treat it.
If an ear infection exists, the ear canal may be swabbed to send samples to a reference laboratory for culture and susceptibility testing.
We will also use a cotton swab to gently collect a sample of ear debris for conclusive examination under a microscope.
The test involves taking a sample — a swab of ear gook, a bit of diarrhea, or a few cells from a skin mass — and smearing a thin layer of the sample on a microscope slide.
If the cat is unwilling to allow this instrument near its sensitive ears, the veterinarian will use a cotton swab to gently collect a sample of ear debris for conclusive microscopic examination.
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