Sentences with phrase «earlier encyclicals»

But even Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum makes reference to a panoply of earlier encyclicals that furnish the larger social, political, cultural, and religious context for tackling any of these economic matters.
-LSB-...] Caritas in Veritate has real literary and practical flaws -LSB-...] yet, viewed in the light of Benedict's earlier encyclicals, Caritas in Veritate can be seen as one long call to conversion -LSB-... requiring] «new eyes and a new heart, capable of rising above a materialistic vision of human events.»
That is the argument even more forcefully developed in Veritatis Splendor, an earlier encyclical that makes the case that, when freedom is untethered from truth, the very foundation of freedom is destroyed.
And in exploring the wide implications of it all, he noted «the risk of an alliance between democracy and ethical relativism, which would remove any sure moral reference point from political and social life, and on a deeper level make the acknowledgement of truth impossible» (VS 101) and warned us, as he had done in an earlier encyclical, that «As history demonstrates, a democracy without values easily turns into open or thinly disguised totalitarianism».

Not exact matches

Early Friday morning, Catholic blogger and new media guru Brandon Vogt took the text of the papal encyclical Lumen Fidei from the Vatican website where it is available free online, and reformatted it for various readers like Kindle, Nook, and iPad, thinking that it would be a good and evangelical....
In this sense, the new encyclical is in line with all of Benedict's earlier work on relativism and reason.
Among the many merits of this book is Kupczak's indication of the substantial continuity of Wojtyla's thought over the course of his life with themes adumbrated in his early years appearing in fuller mode in various papal encyclicals.
Earlier this year, in the encyclical Redemptoris Missio, Pope John Paul II called upon the nations of the world to «Open the door to Christ.»
Other commentators will argue that some of the encyclical's themes sound very much like issues that Pope Francis has already touched upon in speeches and homilies early in his pontificate.
They are our authentic heritage from the Hebrew prophets, the Gospels and the early church (see, for example, Charles Avila's Ownership: Early Christian Teaching [Orbis, 1983]; they are themes that were anticipated in part by developments in the papal «social encyclicals» from 1891 to the present, and by the Vatican Council's 1965 pastoral constitution «The Church and the World Today.&rearly church (see, for example, Charles Avila's Ownership: Early Christian Teaching [Orbis, 1983]; they are themes that were anticipated in part by developments in the papal «social encyclicals» from 1891 to the present, and by the Vatican Council's 1965 pastoral constitution «The Church and the World Today.&rEarly Christian Teaching [Orbis, 1983]; they are themes that were anticipated in part by developments in the papal «social encyclicals» from 1891 to the present, and by the Vatican Council's 1965 pastoral constitution «The Church and the World Today.»
A reader of his article might be quite surprised to learn that Leo XIII declared as early as 1891 that «the public administration must... provide for the welfare and comfort of the working classes»; or that so recent an encyclical as Centesimus Annus pronounced that «the mass of the poor [who] have no resources of their own to fall back on... must chiefly depend on the assistance of the State,» and that «wage - earners... should be specially cared for and protected by the Government.»
Earlier ecclesiastical pronouncements on the matter, before Plus XII's Allocution (Denzinger 2285) and the Encyclical Humani Generis, are therefore superseded, or must and can be interpreted in this sense, the Reply of the Biblical Commission of 1909 (Denzinger 2123), for example.
Earlier Pope John Paul II had said that the Catholic Church is not suggesting that beyond its visible boundaries there is only an «ecclesial vacuum» (see the encyclical «That They May Be One»).
The book attempts to draw together themes from the pope's writings, from his early doctoral work until his papal homilies, addresses and encyclicals.
Nell - Breuning, often called the «Nestor» of Catholic social thought, drafted the early versions of this encyclical.
The late Pope did more than any pope of the last century to defend and reassert beyond any doubt the stable and objective character of Catholic teaching - more even than Pius X with his great encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis, since modernist incursions had become very much more powerfully established during the pontificate of the unhappy Pope Paul than they had been in the early years of the century.
But at a press conference earlier this month hosted by at the National Press Club to discuss the U.S Catholic Church's reception of the encyclical, the emphasis was less on the controversial question of who is responsible for climate change and what could be done to mitigate it.
There are early indications from the reception of his June encyclical that there are hurdles to his message faithfully percolating down the church hierarchy and finding fertile ground among followers in the United States.
The Global Catholic Climate Movement, a group of nearly 100 religious organizations, expressed its support for the Tuesday climate meeting and Francis» coming encyclical, which could be published in June or earlier.
In his climate encyclical earlier this year, Francis framed climate change as a key human rights issue and called for a radical transformation of global politics and wasteful high - consuming lifestyles.
Earlier this year, Brooklyn - based indie publisher Melville House released the first secular edition of Pope Francis» groundbreaking encyclical with a deeply moving foreword by Naomi Oreskes, a Harvard University historian who has written extensively on the bridge between science and morality.
Cardinal Peter Turkson, who wrote an early draft of the encyclical, and Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, a noted climate scientist in Germany, were expected to attend the press conference.
The Pope issued an encyclical earlier this month which, notes Cal Law Legal Pad, included the following statement: «On the part of rich countries there is excessive zeal for protecting knowledge through an unduly rigid assertion of the right to intellectual property, especially in the field of health care.»
Perhaps we could read Mark Zuckerberg's encyclical from early 2017 (published, fittingly, as a Facebook post) as his response to current events.
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