Sentences with phrase «earlier interpretations»

Retailers will be calling their suppliers to get early interpretations of how long they have to find alternatives.
I am not saying the men weren't also important, but I am saying that a true historical accounting is more diverse, more textured and nuanced than earlier interpretations suggest.
A new study challenges earlier interpretations of an important burial mound at Cahokia, a pre-Columbian city in Illinois near present - day St. Louis.
While earlier interpretations of this system failed to offer a tangible change, the system in the S1 offers a large step forward in dynamic mode, the whole vehicle tensing around the driver's reactions, the increased engine note (a combination of an exhaust flap and a sound actuator that increases induction noise) further focusing the mind.
Heidi Bucher has conducted a comparatively early interpretation of a union between spatial presence, pictorial instruments, performance and corporeality.
The rise in BWT during stadials confirms earlier interpretations of subsurface inflow of warm Atlantic water below a halocline reaching > 1.2 km water depth.
3 Leclerc's interpretation of Whitehead in The Nature of Physical Existence draws out the implications of his earlier interpretation in Whitehead's Metaphysics: An Introductory Exposition (London: George Allen and Unwin; New York: The Macmillan Company, 1958).
But having excluded that side of Whitehead's thought from his earlier interpretation, Leclerc now criticizes Whitehead for failing to provide the requisite doctrine.5
This does not mean that Buber's new I - Thou philosophy is irreconcilable with the metaphysics of the Kabbalah and Hasidism, but only with his earlier interpretations of that metaphysics.
In his presentation at the First International Whitehead Symposium at Bonn, August 25 - 28, 1981, Leclerc repudiated his earlier interpretation and criticism of Whitehead on this point, recognizing that Whitehead seriously intended to affirm the causal efficacy of past occasions.
In response to a criticism of Hartshorne, A. H. Johnson defends an earlier interpretation proposed in Whiteheads Theory of Reality (HIW 495 - 98).
These are the main features of the apostolic message; they represent the earliest interpretation of the prophetic mission, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and the earliest proclamation of the message of salvation — that is, forgiveness of sins, preservation through the approaching crisis of the «last things,» and safety in the judgment.
Early interpretation of grip planning, including accounting for the distinctive form that plans take in the context of different object, could allow a brain computer interface decoder to get a motion command to a prosthesis more quickly and accurately with information about what is to be gripped, Vargas - Irwin said.
Emerson and his colleagues discovered that some of those early interpretations were based on inaccurate and incomplete information.
Early interpretations that the art in the gallery is the product of learning transformed into deeper revelations about how the child engaged in a process of inquiry using the art form to represent their knowledge.
Switch owners are treated to Wild Guns Reloaded, a throwback to an early interpretation of the shooter genre.
One Minute Sculptures reconsider this early interpretation of sculpture as a stand - in for the human form by using an actual human body as a replacement for its representation in durable form.
Despite Burri's later protestations, Sweeney's early interpretation of Burri's surfaces as «human, bleeding flesh» has stuck.
The court was therefore free to decide what it should do if it found that its earlier interpretation of the «European Law for the grant of pat - ents» was clearly inconsistent with a settled interpretation given by the Boards of Appeal of the EPO.
In years four and five of the preschool program, pedagogy based on an early interpretation of Piagetian theory became the primary curriculum framework.
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