Sentences with phrase «earliest resurrection appearances»

Where, then, did the earliest resurrection appearances take place, in Galilee or in Jerusalem?
Where did the earliest resurrection appearances take place, in Galilee or in Jerusalem?

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This may refer to his rugged character and appearance, or it may refer to his position as a foundation of the church, an early witness to the resurrection.
Even if Luke has selected his material in portraying the early days, as he has suppressed the Marcan hint of resurrection appearances in Galilee (cf. Chap.
It seems that the earliest preaching of the resurrection made no attempt to describe the appearances, but rather proclaimed the fact of the resurrection as God's reversal of the disgrace of crucifixion: «the death of Jesus is interpreted as Israel's No to the proclamation of Jesus and the resurrection as God's Yes, his validation of Jesus» message.
· These eight verses of resurrection narrative in Mark's gospel so disturbed the Early Church that twelve more verses of appearances of the risen Christ were added on to the original formula.
Most important, Wahlberg argues, is the unique case of the physical Resurrection of Jesus from the dead and his subsequent appearance to his earliest followers.
In spite of the diversity in the resurrection narratives there is one important common theme which C. F. Evans draws to our attention when he says, «The one element which the traditions, in all their variety, have in common is that the appearance of the risen Lord issued in an explicit command to evangelize the world, yet the early decades of the history of the church, in so far as they are known to us, make it difficult to suppose that the apostles were aware of any such command.»
In Acts, however, the resurrection appearances are given only to the earliest apostles; both Stephen (7:55) and Paul (26:16) see Jesus, but they see him glorified and at God's right hand.
The earliest accounts, he believes, saw no need for resurrection appearances between the departure of Jesus and his now imminent return in glory.
As we mentioned earlier, the accounts of the resurrection appearances of Jesus can themselves best be understood as promissory, in the genre of the appearances and new pledges of fidelity by Yahweh narrated in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Robinson, in his address as outgoing president of the Society of Biblical Literature in December 1981, presented a detailed case for the argument that the earliest resurrection traditions were luminous appearances of Jesus, while stories of physical resurrection were secondary.
In conclusion, then, while there may have been some early Christologies that interpreted the Easter experience as «exaltation» instead of «resurrection», this would not be a surprising response to «appearances» of Jesus after the crucifixion, and so does not address the nature or the probability of these appearances nor the question of whether the exaltation interpretation somehow evolved separately from the appearance traditions.
The most we can say based on I Corinthians 15 in conjunction with Acts is that the earliest accounts of the resurrection appearances may very well have been less explicit and elaborate than the present ones in the Gospels (which we had already assumed), and were perhaps analogous to the accounts of Paul's experience on the road to Damascus as we find them in the Book of Acts.
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