Sentences with phrase «early bedtime routine»

When it comes to sleep, the biggest challenge for school - age children and their parents is the demands on a child's time that will make early bedtime routines difficult to manage, especially in today's 24 - 7 wired and fast - paced world.
The problem I run into here is that if I feed him at 4 pm and then do an early bedtime routine, I would be feeding him again at 6 or 6:30 as a part of his bedtime routine, but since its so close to his last feeding, he often doesn't eat well.
For some families, irregular or later bedtime routines are a necessity so evidence that early bedtime routines have a positive effect later in life can make them feel a whole bunch of negative.
Early bedtime routines can also be a challenge for some families with multiple children, especially when one child is in the midst of newborn age, experiencing regression, or any number of other challenges come dusk.
You may need to establish an earlier bedtime routine to make sure your child is up on time and ready to go.
I teach childbirth classes at night once a week and have to miss that one session since we stick to an early bedtime routine.
(As an aside, Ludwig van Beethoven kept an early bedtime routine, going to bed at 10 p.m. at the latest.
Get the kids in an early bedtime routine so you and your partner have time together at the end of the day.
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