Sentences with phrase «early cells»

Early cell division is to some extent independent of the number of chromosomes in the embryo, so an embryo with an abnormal number of chromosomes can look just like any other.
For years scientists thought that early cells use a common plan to build an animal from top to bottom.
Do you have a collection of early cell phones, or a collection of TRS - 80 computers?
Do you have a collection of early cell phones, or a collection of TRS - 80 computers?
Embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell lines are models for early cells in mouse embryogenesis.
Antioxidants and other active components of prickly pear induced early cell death in human breast and colon cancer cells, with a more pronounced effect occurring in colon cancer cells.
So, it makes you think that, well, maybe that could have been one contributing factor to why we actually use genetic materials that incorporate ribose because early cells that relied on an external source of ribose would have had easier access to that material compared to competing the cells that were looking for the different sugar that had a harder time getting across the membrane.
The work conflicts with earlier cell studies, in which VX - 770 was given only briefly and showed success.
Do the inhibitory and excitatory impulses converge on the ganglion cells or on earlier cells in the pathway?
Underpinning this is Conway Morris» claim that convergence is demonstrable at every major stepping stone in evolutionary history, from early cells, through to the emergence of tissues, sensory systems, limbs, and the ability to make and use tools.
Papagiannakis et al. performed metabolite and cell - cycle measurements in single cells to show that the cell cycle is a higher - order function, which emerges from the collective synchrony between an autonomous metabolic oscillator, a biomass formation oscillator (early cell cycle), and a biomass segregation oscillator (late cell cycle).
The pair discovered a swath of cells in frog embryos that controls early cell differentiation.
He had been trying to understand the functions of three related cyclin D family proteins, important for directing early cell - cycle transitions.
E-ink technology appeared in a few early cell phones and spread to applications that included traffic signage, electronic shelf signage, and wearables.
A portrait of late 1980s Japan on the verge of intertwined economic and existential crises, Yakuza 0 is as full of cheap gags about early cell phones as it is a bracing look at how to survive — and stay true to yourself — in a moral vacuum.
The sacks» architectonic elements are linked to Bourgeois» earlier cell installations, which the artist began making in 1991.
New technology is always expensive (remember early cell phones or computers?)
She has been able to show in preliminary experiments that if the timing of early cell divisions does not follow a specific pattern, those embryos are much more likely to contain an abnormal number of chromosomes.
Inflammation also erodes telomeres, the «caps» at the ends of chromosomes that protect genes from degradation, which can lead to early cell death, premature aging and even cancer.
So it makes you think that, well, maybe that could have been one contributing factor to why we actually use genetic materials that incorporate ribose, because early cells that relied on an external source of ribose would have had easier access to that material compared to competing the cells that we're looking for, a different sugar that had a harder time getting across the membrane.
Later, other researchers found that it probably wasn't just the fetus that had doomed those earlier cell transplants.
Two billion years ago, an early cell swallowed an energy - producing microbe, giving birth to the mitochondria that are the hallmarks of all eukaryotes.
A leading role played by metabolism also makes sense from an evolutionary perspective: «You would expect the earliest cells or proto - cells to have a simple control system to regulate division, and metabolism would be the obvious candidate.»
The scientists discovered that the development of these cells in the mouse fetus and in newborn mice proceeds in three distinct stages, parallel to those of the developing brain: early cells that populate the brain of the embryo shortly after its inception, pre-microglia and adult cells.
In particular, RNA enzymes can not readily adjust their activities to temperature changes likely to have happened as the earth cooled, and so can not perform the very broad range of catalytic accelerations that would have been necessary to synchronize the biochemistry of early cell - based life forms.
The formation, growth, and division of the earliest cells may have occurred in response to similar interactions with mineral particles and inputs of material and energy.
The discovery bolsters the widely held view among researchers who study the origin of life that RNA likely preceded DNA as the central genetic storehouse of information in the earliest cells some 4 billion years ago.
Dr Peter Rugg - Gunn, group leader in the Babraham Institute's Epigenetics research programme and a senior co-author on the paper, explains: «One of the exciting aspects of this study is that we were able to capture naïve stem cells at a very early stage of their reprogramming — these early cells had switched on a subset of naïve - specific genes, but they had not yet fully matured.
«Taking DNA from the medium [they live in] looks pretty accessible to early cells,» says Jonathan Lombard of the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center in Durham, North Carolina.
However, some of the early cells in the inner cell mass remain pluripotent, i.e., they retain the ability to differentiate into most of the diverse cell types found in the adult.
[38] And the most recent reports of long - term outcomes from several of the early cell therapy trials are much more promising than might have been expected from earlier reports, with transplanted cells surviving for as long as 14 y, exhibiting evidence of functional integration, and some patients continuing to further improve over the course of many years after engraftment.
«If we can understand how these early cells are regulated in the actual embryo, this knowledge will help us in the future to treat patients with diabetes, or Parkinson, or different types of blindness and other diseases,» he says.
Without GSH cells can not maintain their full functionality, leaving them vulnerable to damage, diseases, and early cell death.
After the initial stimulation, the neurotransmitter has to be transported back to the earlier cell which previously released it in order to pass along the message.
Back in the early cell phone era, we used to talk about devices in terms of the ideal audience for their size.
Was it a landline or one of those early cell phones with the bag and the cord still attached?
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