Sentences with phrase «early charter»

When we looked at changes in state demographics over time, we found that states with growing Hispanic and college - educated populations were more likely to pass early charter laws.
This most certainly does not square with the vision of creative and inspired teaching promoted by many early charter advocates.
Unfortunately, this network, like early charters, seems to be seen as more of a distraction by some district leaders rather than another important strategy for improvement.
New Leader Jessica Nauiokas is featured in a new book about the history of early charter school leaders, The Founders, and is interviewed in a video series accompanying the book.
Justice Abella's dissent is not based on religious rights as a concept to be jealously guarded, but is based on Charter values flowing from earlier Charter cases on protecting the vulnerable members of our society such as children and women.
In «The Case for a Constrained Approach to Section 7» I point out that the Court's early Charter decisions appear «tame» from the perspective of 2016.
BART Applies for Early Charter Renewal, An Increased Enrollment Cap and the Addition of Pittsfield to its Charter Region
Early charter enthusiasts believed that granting a small number of public schools the freedom to innovate with instruction, ways of grouping students, the use of time and other education strategies would allow the development of practices that might better serve disadvantaged students.
It wasn't a plan to use charter schools as innovation incubators, as the late AFT President Albert Shanker and other early charter proponents envisioned them — schools that would work side by side with neighborhood public schools, sharing successes and learning from setbacks.
Among the artists of the period, earlier charter members, or those joined in the early days of the Club were Frederic Remington, William Merritt Chase, Robert Henri and George Bellows.
And liberated from traditional school boundaries, Shanker and other early charter advocates suggested, charters could do a better job than the regular public schools of helping children of different racial, ethnic, economic, and religious backgrounds come together to learn from one another.
I spent the beginning of last week in Detroit, a city that spawned one of the nation's early charter laws, now home to one of the most unregulated charter sectors I have seen.
It is projected that the earliest a charter could open is fall 2018.
«The early charters tended to be more locally founded,» she says.
«Some of those earlier charters should not have been granted,» says O'Neill.
As one of the earliest charter school conversions in the state, Fenton Avenue Charter School offers a number of lessons.
Fenton Avenue Charter School was one of the earliest charter school conversions in the state.
Midtown Public Charter School, located in Jackson's Midtown neighborhood, is one of the state's earliest charters.
The conservative Mississippi Center for Public Policy, which advocates for free markets, limited government and «strong traditional families,» was among the earliest charter backers in the state.
This decision is an early Charter case on the unconstitutionality of an absolute liability regulatory offence where there is a potential loss of liberty through a term of imprisonment or probation.
It is, I think, both noteworthy and important, that Chief Justice Dickson had earlier, in Big M Drug Mart, an early Charter case on the federal Lord's Day Act, devoted considerable space to describing, elaborating and defining the meaning of «a purposive interpretation,» both at large and specifically in a constitutional context.
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