Sentences with phrase «early church leaders»

It came from early church leaders who wanted to exert their power, authority, and control over other people.
Whatever seeming consistencies in your Bible were purposefully selected by early Church leaders in choosing only ancient Middle Eastern writings which toed their «party line».
This leaves two main types of early Church leaders: deacons and elders / bishops.
When early church leaders selected which books to include in the New Testament, they were trying to protect the inerrancy of Scripture, but actually undermined it.
Early Church leaders wrote about persecution: «The oftener we are mown down by you, the more in number we grow; the blood of Christians is seed» for the growth of God's people.
In an act that Harrsion described as «spiritual genocide», the group claimed that early church leaders took hold of temple grounds and turned them into churches during the Christiansation of England starting as early as the 7th century.
If we believe what Evangelicals tell us today... the apostles and early church leaders for several hundred years were ALL HERETICS.
In fact, early church leaders spent a great deal of time and effort to welcome into the fold members of ethnic groups you mention in your unenlightened post including American Indians, and African Americans.
Quoting early church leaders and Roman historians (among them Origen, Tertullian, Justin Martyr, Hippolytus, and Tatian), Claiborne and Haw show that participants in the early Church consistently refused military service.
As far as the winter solstice and Christmas, there is no date given in scripture for the birth of Christ it may have actually been spring, early church leaders decided to celebrate it when they did to stamp out other pagan celebrations at the time.
They have broken up into competing groups that have turned early church leaders into «superstars» around which various groups are rallying and finding their identity.»
In such a materialistic society, the Church MUST reclaim the strong language used by early church leaders to warn of the potential dangers of wealth, and we MUST be more careful of proclaiming all wealth as an undisputed blessing from God.
It would have been a simple matter to silence the early church leaders by saying something like
I will add that these early church leaders of the Latter Day Saints, that I have mentioned, engaged in this brotherly goodwill long before it became in vogue and popularly accepted by the general population of the United States.
The early church leaders wrote down (eventually!)
It seems the comment may have been added by some early church leader who simply could no accept the demonstration of no strings attached grace.
B. Mark and Matthew are identified as the authors by early church leaders.
It's not hard to work out from whom the early Church leaders got this teaching.
In Acts 8, Philip, one of the early church leaders, preaches the gospel to the Samaritans, and, right in line with the statement from Jesus about the church storming the gates of hell, unclean spirits are cast out of people, and the lame are healed (8:7).
So these early church leaders were choose books based on their ideas of what constituted correct theology, and I am not sure they were correct in their theology, which raises serious questions about the books they chose.
If the early church leaders only allowed in books which did not contain any contradictions or errors with the rest of Scripture, or among the new books themselves, that is not much of a miracle; it is simply wise selection.
In fact, all of the New Testament except eleven minor verses can be reconstructed outside the Bible from the writings of the early church leaders in the second and third centuries AD.
Do you think the early church leaders who chose these 27 books did a good job?
This positive character portrayal — together with Mark's negative treatment of Jesus» family and the 12 disciples — arguably constitutes a full - scale polemic against the earliest church leaders.
I am not sure I would consider the early church leaders «Catholic» the way we think of «Catholic» today since back then, there was nothing else.
By way of summary, Canonization is the process and standards by which the early church leaders selected which documents to include in the New Testament.
This theory is not as popular today as it once was, but it was a common view held by many during the first centuries of the church (e.g., the Gnostics held this view), and was rightly condemned as heresy by many of the early church leaders.
When the early church leaders sent Paul and Barnabas out to do cross-cultural church planting, they sternly reminded them NOT to neglect the poor, something Paul would never have done:
Before that, all the early church leaders taught Universal Reconciliation / Restoration (that one day, God will restore everyone to himself).
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