Sentences with phrase «early community»

«Tattooed New York explores early communities of body art aficionados — such as Native Americans, sailors and soldiers, society women, and «tattooed ladies» — as well as examine how identity is expressed through tattoos today.
As always, thanks so much for the wonderful work you do on behalf of the Retire Early community.
Early community solar gardens in Minnesota tended to be located in and around the Twin Cities.
With cultural differences between the three communities and important marine resources growing more and more scarce, early community meetings were contentious, but eventually even those that opposed earlier conservation efforts came to realize that if they lost the hawksbill, they would lose everything that was important to them including their food, income and culture.
It is confusion over this point that is at the core of the «controversy» we have seen over the Retire Early Community's SWR findings of recent years.
In Crossan's view, this is the third example of a plurally attested complex from the first stratum which, although summarizing «principles or practices, themes or emphases, of the historical Jesus, stem not from him but from the liturgical creativity of the early communities» [Historical Jesus, 360].
For the Gospel narratives as post-Easter interpretations, reflections and perspectives, who Jesus is constitutes the most important question for those early communities that claimed belief...
19:28, Luke 22:29, 30) These are indeed not genuine words of Jesus; they reflect the hope of the earliest community, in which the Twelve were probably first chosen.
But the history of this earliest community itself shows plainly that the preaching of Jesus had not extended beyond the boundaries of the Jewish people; he never thought of a mission to the Gentiles.
The New Testament records indicate the presence in the early communities of a particular functionary known as the teacher (didaskalos).
The Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke grew out of the teaching activities of these early communities of believers.
For the Gospel narratives as post-Easter interpretations, reflections and perspectives, who Jesus is constitutes the most important question for those early communities that claimed belief in him.
Brock focuses on disputes over women as leaders; Hearon, on the possibility that the canonical traditions reflect the activity of women story - tellers in the earliest communities.
Other pagan writers tell us a bit about the early community of Jesus» followers.
These are only a few of the passages in which the early community attempted to express a shared experience which lay beyond the power of language to describe.
A common view of how adoptionism became incarnationism is that the moment of «adoption,» which was originally the resurrection, was, as the early communities reflected on the meaning of Jesus, moved forward into the historical life, and there pushed to an earlier and earlier point — from transfiguration, to baptism, to birth — until finally it was pushed out of the earthly life entirely and Jesus was conceived of as having been the Son of God before his birth.
This is possible; but the fact that no early community can be found which felt any special interest in the title «Son of Man» makes it hardly probable.
This is a perversion of the meaning of the church as it was experienced in the early communities of faith and advocated by the Reformers.
We know, for example, that the early community around Moses authorized certain texts that served the interest of liberation.
The speeches and sermons are based on the Septuagint, not on the Hebrew Bible, and therefore reflect Luke's interests, not those of the early community.
In that book I also tried to suggest how Jesus» teaching, combined with the experience of the earliest community of believers, led to the emergence of the Christian structure.
This led to the recognition that Jesus and the earliest community were far less patriarchal than either the dominant Jewish society of the time or the Christian church from the second century on.
The early communities of Jesus» followers were not free of problems!
He concludes: (this saying) «hardly came into being in the early community, for in it Jesus does not exercise any special function for believers at the festal meal in heaven which is imminent.
The numbers of Christians grew, mainly in the South where the earlier communities were strong.
Secondly, communication in the early community of the people of God took the form of the Covenant Code and the Torah (meaning «wisdom and guide»), both of which originated from the Exodus.
Of course, it may be his theological reflection as a member of an earlier community that has led to the new insight or religious experience.
That Peter — sometime during the night, and before the hour that was called «cock - crow» — was unfaithful to his Lord was acknowledged by the earliest community.
What Paul apparently did was to take isolated rites of the early communities and relate them more fully to the death and resurrection of Christ.
This idea, that the Passion of Jesus fulfilled the Scripture, had already become determinative for the earliest communities and had prompted them, even before there was any story of Jesus» Passion, to read certain passages of the Old Testament as accounts of his suffering and death: e.g., Ps.
Eyewitnesses of the crucifixion were known to the earliest community (Mark 15:21); for this reason we can trust the report that Jesus» offense was publicly posted (ch.
England Ladies have made giant strides in the European Championships this summer, and are currently awaiting a semi-final clash with Netherlands Ladies on Thursday, but with the final set to be staged on Sunday at 5PM, the FA have opted to bring the earlier Community Shield clash back an hour.
Unexpected Influence: Women Who Helped Shape the Early Community College Movement, Anne - Marie McCartan, Ed.D.» 86
Earlier this year, Anne - Marie McCartan, the former executive director of the national Council of Colleges and Arts & Sciences and a 40 - year veteran of various higher education positions, published Unexpected Influence, a series of profiles of women who helped shape the early community college movement.
While there's certainly room for improvement, schools owe a great deal of gratitude to the early community work that districts put in through the master planning process.
If you're starting your own thing, the presentations Coker gave are also made available online, and you can use that content to help you in your early community - building efforts.
First settled in the late 1800s, Quatsino is one of Vancouver Island North's earliest communities.
Henry Twidle was one of the few people in the area with a passion for taking photographs, and for this we can be thankful, because many of the surviving photographs that document these early communities exist because of his enthusiasm.
This early community of artists and curators created the first wave of software applications, web - based projects and digital approaches to art making, which continue to expand in new directions every year.
Doze Green was also a significant member of the early community of writers who crossed over with an experimental style, which in his case included archetypal icons, mystical - poetic typography, figurative motifs and painterly styles.
We have written about the perceptible increase in support with this new device, but the early community builds showed a drastic change in the user interface and the introduction of a slightly - altered design language (incorporating more transparencies, blurs, etc).
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