Sentences with phrase «early cultures»

It's been used as money and for trade in many early cultures.
In contrast, earlier cultures used to bury their dead (if at all) randomly.
This collection comprises objects from a range of early cultures as well as colonial art, material culture, and works by modern and contemporary artists, including José Clemente Orozco.
Up to 10 percent of the Amazon soil is a blend of charcoal and pottery called terra preta (dark earth)-- a product of even earlier cultures that appear to have added soil to ground rather than depleted it.
Many other early cultures took advantage of the plant's psychotropic and medicinal effects, notably in India, where cannabis was considered one of five sacred plants.
Even early cultures knew not to eat meat that's turning bad, so the idea of hiding the smell of rotting meat with spices is, to me, absurd.
Now it looks like there was a much earlier culture — as of yet unnamed — and that stone tool making was not unique to our genus.
Right now a new humble gamer within the planet level, this is after the seats of 1 involving Asia's the majority of wonderful early cultures, this great Khmer empire involving Angkor, as their popular wats or temples always supply a touchstone involving nation's identification — as well as getting a lot of website visitors yearly.
Forensic experts at North Carolina State University have now published guidance on how research into modern - day forensic analysis of child - abuse victims can be used to shed light on how children of earlier cultures were treated.
As ancient humanity slowly accumulated its knowledge, the early cultures learned to accommodate themselves to the forces and pressures of the natural environment.
For like all earlier cultures, global culture will depend for its goals, values, motivation and creative energy on the possession of a religious dimension.
In fact, we know that in earlier cultures, religion and art were almost the same thing.
The Wonder That Was India, by A. L. Basham, is a cultural history of India before the coming of the Muslims, with a great deal of information in small compass on the earliest culture, political history, social organization, the arts, language and literature, and over a hundred pages devoted to Hinduism and Buddhism.
Although this early culture had only rudimentary agricultural practices, Neves says, the plant and animal refuse they were leaving provided the substrate for future terra preta soils.
Johnson's conclusion: «We ordinary human beings are not so rational; we are no different from all earlier cultures in that we have to put ourselves in the story, and to attribute this or that individual weather event to our own behaviour or moral failures.»
The school innovators of the present day are in a somewhat different position from those early culture builders.
Very special glimpse into the early culture of the ultra rich in Santa Barbara.»
The best known of these early cultures, the Inca Empire, was the largest state in Pre-Columbian America and later played a large role in Peru history.
An Archeology Teacher teaches artifacts of the near and distant past of the earlier cultures and societies.
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