Sentences with phrase «early data differs»

Not exact matches

Several paleontologists took issue with his team's reconstruction of the dinosaur, which combined the new partial skeleton with earlier fragmentary finds of specimens that differed in size, as well as data from Stromer's surviving notes.
Our new resource explains how early registration and advanced registration data differ and other important things you should know.
Alternatively, the deep - ocean model data that was used in Forest 2006 may differ from that used in SFZ 2008, which matches the deep - ocean data used in the CSF 2005 study, provided at an earlier date than was the SFZ 2008 surface and upper air data.
This is an older version of MSU data, but should be fine since the new 5.2 version differs from the earlier versions only for the data after about 1995.
Apart from the aim to be consistent with the approach used in earlier articles in this special issue [3, 4], item response modeling differs from SEM in that (i) it models the actual response data rather than the covariance matrix among the variables, and hence, (ii) it allows a finer grain of interpretation and fit analysis.
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