Sentences with phrase «early decades of the century»

In the early decades of this century, there were strong advocates for a central bank along the lines of the Bank of England.
Education for this kind of pastoral leadership — as our Protestant forebears in the early decades of this century understood so well — must connect individual faith and social context.
In the early decades of the century, theology was not clearly separated from other styles of thought.
It is a sensitivity that is far from complete, but those of us who are over fifty know, if we are honest enough to know that we know, that by comparison with the earlier decades of the century this consciousness of difference has grown and even, here and there, matured.
By the early decades of the century, exclusivist elements of the heritage were abandoned and Christianity was defined more or less as a moral outlook.
In the early decades of this century, Hermann Gunkel, while certainly no opponent of the established hypothesis, led a movement representing especially in Genesis a marked shift of emphasis.
But the form critic utilizes the work of literary critics, for example, in the inspired work of the father of form criticism, Hermann Gunkel, in the early decades of this century, and G. von Rad now in the middle decades.6 Only relatively few, notably among Scandinavian scholars, have completely abandoned the presuppositions of literary criticism.
But the Court had renounced the power it had claimed in the early decades of the century to strike down economic legislation under the due process clause.
Yet unlike the early decades of the century, when higher wages quickly spurred greater enrollment, the educational response in the late 20th century was slow and uneven.
It is for this reason that on the basis of this retrospective alone one could almost write a comprehensive chronicle of the esthetic relationships that have tethered the fate of American modernist painting in the last half of the 20th century to the precedents and standards of modernist painting in Paris in the early decades of the century.
Some critics think that some curators need to put more women in the mix when they do their big modernist shows, especially for the earlier decades of the century prior to the feminist movement.
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