Sentences with phrase «early emphasis»

It starts with teachers» early emphasis on character and independence.
It is crucial to place an early emphasis on identifying the customer and developing product research and development with early adopters who function as beta testers.
Her early emphasis was on financial market risk.
Niebuhr's early emphasis was upon the transforming power of Christ in the individual and society («Christ in us»), but his later emphasis shifted to the transcendent reality and truth of Christ («Christ for us»).
Hauerwas, despite his early emphasis on social justice, has decided that attempts to change society are not only futile but actually betray the mission of the church.
With their early emphasis on scholarship, the Dominicans made what proved to be the most influential continuing contributions to theological thought.
From an earlier emphasis on the need of conversion, the emphasis shifted to gradual growth in Christian character.
An early emphasis on teaching letters, sounds, and syllables can sap the enjoyment right out of story time.
In place of the earlier emphasis on modernisation, which had been the buzzword of the Medvedev presidency, the focus moved in a conservative direction, with greater prominence given to themes of order and the need to protect the state.
At Searchlight Television, the early emphasis appears to be on mining the studio's feature film library for adaptations, in addition to developing original material.
For Spanish - language speakers, this early emphasis on their home language enables them to «expand their vocabulary and build literacy in their first language; study a highly academic curriculum in their first language; successfully transfer Spanish reading and writing skills to English in later grades; acquire high levels of self - esteem by becoming bilingual and playing a supportive role for their English - speaking classmates.»
Green Dot schools provide a high care, high structure, high expectations approach to learning; a personalized learning plan for students; a traditional school day with an early emphasis in proficiency in reading and math; and after - school programs complementing our mission and educational model.
The early emphasis on field and conformation by NBC changed over the years as interest in conformation phased out, and by 1936, the task of administering the large and increasing number of field trial clubs and activities became a near impossible burden.
Given its early emphasis on distributed ledgers in what was then widely described as the digital currency ecosystem, Ripple has long held a unique market position in the industry.
Though one of a number of firms focused on applications for bitcoin and the blockchain in payments, Align is perhaps unique in its early emphasis on the blockchain, using the language as part of its public messaging as far back as January 2015.
For instance, most practitioners remain at Level 1 in the domain of Intervention Skills for group psychotherapy for a good number of years because, since much of the early emphasis in training for this domain is in the realm of individual therapy, they have much less opportunity for practicing group psychotherapy.
Because most family law cases settle before trial, they place an early emphasis on seeking creative solutions to facilitate settlement.
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