Sentences with phrase «early evening treat»

Looking for that quick energy fix like coffee in the morning or chocolate either late afternoon or as an early evening treat.

Not exact matches

Much of the early coverage of Trump, and even well into his campaign, treated him as a joke, as entertainment, as a sideshow.
Viewing the sailboat masts against the blue sky during the day and dusk in the early evening is a treat all its own.
And I'm even happier to be back in the kitchen — our kitchen — where I put an end to the month - long, overly starchy breakfast streak with my new favorite early - morning treat: overnight chia pudding, with the works.
And even before there's a treatment, early diagnosis would allow doctors to keep people from exacerbating the situation (like shutting down Franzen) and gives them an early start on treating the symptoms even if they can't directly treat the cte.
NO CLUB has a divine right to stay at the top strata even Man Utd WERE RELEGATED IN THE EARLY 1980»S (approx, not sure of exactly the year) and any business let alone football club that treats its customers with such disrespect and disdain (like Sir Chips at the AGM, REMEMEBER) and as Kroenke and the board too are doing, year after year, WILL pay the awful price.
Many believe that the seeds of a poor performance were already thrown even as early as in the opening game of the season when the players were shocked at Mourinho's treatment of the team doctor for her intervention to treat a player.
All types of conjunctivitis Many doctors recommend putting a few drops of expressed breast milk (if you're breastfeeding) in the affected eyes several times per day to help clear any discharge, treat an early infection, or even prevent an infection.
Taught by the media and radical feminists to be ashamed about their maternal, nurturing and intuitive side, mothers are too often afraid to follow and act on their intuition even though it tells them that a youth sports system which too often emphasizes winning and competition over fun and skill development, treats children as young as six as adults and cruelly and unfairly saddles so many as failures before they have even reached puberty because they weren't lucky enough to be «early bloomers» or have a January birthday, is not the kind of nurturing, caring and, above all, inclusive environment mothers believe their children need to grow into confident, competent, empathetic, emotionally and psychologically healthy adults.
So the animal studies give us only a hint at how early experience can affect development — the way human babies are treated by caregivers has even more effects on them than for any other animal because they are born so immature.
This number would be even smaller if all women were tested for HIV prior to conceiving or early in pregnancy, so they could be treated as soon as possible.
Even more far - reaching is the use of antibiotics to treat heart disease, a trend that began in the early 1990s after studies associated C. pneumonia with the accumulation of plaque in
The monkeys were treated early in the acute phase of their disease, soon after they were infected, whereas people in the studies had all been infected for many months or even years.
Since the early days of ICSI, the technique has been used increasingly to treat infertility, even when male infertility is not suspected.
Treating HIV exceptionally early has even brought «functional cures» for infected people.
«Even within individuals exposed to the same risk factor, different strategies may be appropriate to treat the symptoms of autism in early development versus maturity,» said Page.
As we develop new tools to help us predict cancer earlier, we'll be able to treat cancers before they even develop, by assessing genetics or other risk factors.
But there's another group of PD symptoms, termed the «non-motor symptoms» (NMS) of PD, that gets far less attention, even though NMS begin to manifest earlier in the disease, are harder to treat with current therapies, and include some of the most crippling features of living with the later stages of PD.
«And we found that the high - risk group and early, or first - episode, schizophrenia group are somewhere in between: It looks like these deficits begin even before they are diagnosed and treated.
«If you don't treat it, even in the early phases, it can cause early labor,» Dr. Carusi says.
«The innovative testing we offer at our laboratory in Frisco analyzes advanced cholesterol, stress and inflammation, as well as genetic and diabetic / metabolic categories that enable patients and their physicians to detect heart disease and other conditions much earlier, when they can be more easily treated or even reversed.»
And a lack of sleep can also spike your cortisol — particularly in the early evening when you're more likely to sneak in a few calorie - packed treat foods.
While I love all of the flowers + chocolate, I definitely don't love the crowds at all the restaurants and bars on Valentine's Day, so this year Mike + I are celebrating Valentine's Day early while we are on vacation in Florida BUT I will for sure be treating myself to some of the pieces below to wear for the romantic evening.
Since Hepburn and her then - husband, producer Mel Ferrer, who joined her on the project, were good friends with English director Terence Young (the director of three of the first four James Bond movies), whom Hepburn had allegedly met more than two decades earlier while she treated him as a nurse in the Netherlands during the Second World War, they lobbied hard for him to get the gig, even though Jack Warner initially wanted Carol Reed in the director's seat.
It doesn't have nearly the level of location - specific detail, but there's a similar warmth to the way Goodhart (who adapted this feature film from an earlier short) treats her characters, even when they're treating each other poorly.
Heartworms can be deadly and even if the disease is caught early enough to treat, there are risks involved.
Most are NOT life - threatening, not even «quality» of life threatening if discovered and treated in the early part of the cat's senior years.
Some dogs and cats can do well for several months and even years if treated early enough.
Even if they have been on heartworm prevention year round there is always the possibility that the product may have failed for various reasons (your pet spit out the pill, did not absorb the pill appropriately, topical medicine was not applied properly, forgot to administer medication on time, etc.) and the earlier we can treat you pet for heartworm disease the better the prognosis.
Even though salmon poisoning disease can be fatal to dogs, it's fairly easy to treat if treatment is started early.
With early detection and prompt treatment, even some of the more serious tumors can be successfully treated.
Patellar luxation is a problem that used to be treated less aggressively, but the typical approach now is that even relatively low grade patellar luxations are going to get worse with time; earlier surgical intervention is now recommended in most patients.
If a disease process is caught early, we have a far better chance to treat it effectively or even cure it before it spreads.
The best part of my animals being treated there are their hours of operation - early morning - late evenings and week ends.
However, had this dog been taken in for a proper dental cleaning with safe anesthesia and dental x-rays, the areas of severe bone loss and infection could have been treated much earlier and possibly even prevented.
Once these conditions are present, unless noticed and treated very early on there is likely to be permanent and non-reversable damage that will affect the horse throughout his or her life, even if the condition is managed.
Most of these can be successfully treated if caught early or even prevented if the toenails are maintained properly.
It's best to start the training while the bird is young, and it should always include lots of praise and even small treats, especially early on.
Hungry Birds recommended the Sunday walk, adding that my daughter would enjoy the desserts and treats more on this, than the heavy meat courses served at dinner the evening earlier.
This is important to figure out early on, usually before you even arrive, because the last thing you want to do is end up as an albatross on their busy schedule, or, conversely, come off as being rude, treating them like some sort of one - night stand.
If you have to treat console exclusives as exclusives and add in some rumoured early development titles to make even a top 8 list, that's says a lot about the state of a system's lineup vs that of the competition.
Have fun treating destiny like its an exclusive even though you get dlc early and sony pays WAY more for advertising.
However times have changed, and even as early as February, gamers are now treated to a myriad of AAA games of blockbuster proportions.
Even during the early phases of his five - decade - long career as an artist, Michelangelo Pistoletto treated the mirrored surface as an instrumental element of his practice.
If not treated quickly, open head injuries in Kentucky can cause severe brain damage, vision loss, hearing impairment, nerve damage, or even early death.
If not treated quickly, a patient may suffer permanent brain injury in Kentucky or even early death as a result of stroke misdiagnosis.
He goes on, through his FT and personal blogs, as well as through his Twitter account, to challenge readers to find some example in living memory (or even earlier) where an English court, or a court in a jurisdiction in which received English law forms or has formed part of the law, has treated the words as law, rather than as platitudes or symbols.
Remember, that treating many critical illnesses even in an early stage can be very costly.
While most Prime members have to wait until 9:00 PM EST to access Prime Day deals, Echo owners get early access and are treated to 11 deals starting this evening at 7:00 PM EST..
By treating these behaviors in elementary school or even earlier, you may have a better chance of preventing your child from creating a negative self - identity.
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