Sentences with phrase «early fathers»

Results suggest that aspects of early father functioning play an important role in the psychosocial, cognitive, and academic development of preschool - aged children with behavior problems.
Early father involvement does not protect against unemployment in adult children when other factors are taken into account.
This corresponds with a wide body of research showing correlations between early father - involvement and positive child outcomes.
Researchers found that birds that start their day earlier father more offspring.
· Early father involvement with a child was associated with continuing involvement with that child throughout childhood and adolescence.
Mr. Wang recalled a story of how on a long drive near his hometown years earlier his father pointed out all of the tunnels and bridges in China built using his cement.
Some had a highly focused aim (e.g. measuring the impact of media - based parenting programmes) and others more wide - ranging objectives (e.g. assessing the effect of a wide range of interventions on early fathering).
>> Mariah Carey posed with husband Nick Cannon and their three - year - old twins Moroccan and Monroe and added the message «Happy Early Father's Day!!»
Do early father - infant interactions predict the onset of externalising behaviours in young children?
The present study examined the role of early fathering in subsequent trajectories of social emotional and academic functioning of preschool children with behavior problems.
Some years earlier her father had come home drunk and abusive one Saturday night and had kicked this child down the stairs, splitting her head open.
Our study failed to find an effect of early father involvement, as measured by how often fathers engaged in play, reading or caregiving, and fathers» use of positive or negative discipline strategies.
The Imitation of Christ, commenting on the early Fathers of the Church, notes «how scrupulously they kept the fasts» having called attention to «the long and arduous temptations they had to suffer.»
The Orthodox will say, «The early fathers taught.»
The earliest fathers were often somewhat naive, somewhat childlike in some ways, but those qualities enabled them to hold on to the truth they had learned from the Apostles and apostolic men with a ferocity that I doubt would be much reflected in our day under similar persecutions.
It is quite an interesting read in the early fathers though.
Personally, my biggest issue with the early fathers is that several of them took a turn towards works based salvation, or so it seems to me.
Unlike the New Testament writers, the early Fathers of the church had little hesitation in speaking of Jesus as God.
«For me it is all about the solid teachings of the early Fathers
This effort was in a measure successful but it is interesting to note that in the Middle Ages Peter Abelard was nevertheless driven to write his Liber Sententiarum sic et non citing over one hundred and fifty subjects on which the early Fathers were in considerable disagreement with one another!
This erudition enabled him to present the person and message of Jesus as the fulfillment of the historic aspirations of Chinese culture, in much the way that Jesus had been presented by the early fathers as the culmination of the Greco - Roman faith in the Logos and by the New Testament as the fulfillment of the Jewish hope for the Messiah.
This could at first have been because the early fathers, like Luke before them, saw her as a potential rival to the Virgin.
Ratzinger and other like - minded scholars believed that aggiornamento needed to be combined with ressourcement - a «return to the sources» of Catholic theology in the Scriptures and in the early Fathers of the Church.
Regarding R.R. Reno's «The Return of the Fathers»: I am puzzled that anyone could find the early Fathers consistently spiritually rewarding.
Perhaps to start by considering the context of the early Church and to consider what it was that the early Fathers of the Church were
Most of Protestant teaching was conventional Christianity, with some being revived from St Augustine and the early fathers.
Those early fathers were saying, in effect, «We've found all the diamonds.
Many Christian moralists, by the way, such as some of the early Fathers and Thomas A Kempis, adopt this attitude wholesale.
Mere belief that one has already found the way and the truth is the exact opposite of such an intention and was recognized by the early Fathers as a weapon of the devil.
Some teachers settle only for classical texts — Calvin, Luther, Aquinas, Augustine, Schleiermacher, Wesley and a scattering of the early Fathers and medieval Mothers.
And we can see in the writings of the early Fathers that the primary function of the monastic discipline was to shake man's belief in his own powers and understanding.
Fr Roger Nesbitt, Chairman o / Faith movement, and Parish Priest of Folkestone shows how the early Fathers harmoniously developed scriptural themes to present the Person of God - made - Man as the necessary completion of creation.
Fr Roger Nesbitt, Chairman o / Faith movement, and Parish Priest of Folkestone shows how the early Fathers harmoniously developed scriptural themes to present the Person of God - made - Man as the...
'» (Dies Domine, 2) The Witness of the Fathers It is also incorrect to say that the early Fathers had nothing to say on the subject of the place of the Incarnation in the plan of God for creation.
[9] The earlier Fathers typically wrote in response to current controversies, emphasizing whatever aspect of the Christian mystery seemed appropriate to the moment.
The earliest Father's, even before Origen but he taught this too, taught that these people (the one's God ordered killed including children, etc) went to the holding place and that they are the ones that Christ spoke too when He, «descended into hell» (The Apostles Creed).
The deliberate paradoxes of the early Fathers and Luther's hymn Gelobet seist du Jesu Christ serve to express the incomprehensibility of the mystery of Christ.
Peter Abelard once illustrated the diversity of viewpoints among the early Fathers by citing one hundred and fifty examples in which they widely disagreed.
We have only to look up the early Fathers to see that our troubles have been survived before.
To assume that the early Fathers were immune from these influences or that traces of this cultural milieu are not to be found in the writings of the Church Fathers would be naive indeed.
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