Sentences with phrase «early fifth century»

Rufinus, one of the very early fifth century commentators on the creed, noted that this phrase was in neither the Roman nor the Eastern creed, and he held that it was simply another way of saying that Jesus was really and truly dead, that he did in every way experience death.
By the early fifth century, resurrection is understood in increasingly literal ways.
Nonetheless, the prayer's theology unquestionably reflects the reconciliatory ecclesiology which the great Church Father elaborated during his early fifth century polemical exchanges with the schismatic Donatist community of North Africa.
Tyconius, in the late fourth century, took this approach, as - more notably - did Augustine in the early fifth century.
To be sure, St. Augustine already had a seminal theory of seminal causes within the potency of matter in the early fifth century.
There was a brief period in the early fifth century that came close to, but was not quite as warm, as the Arctic's most recent summer temperatures.»
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