Sentences with phrase «early hominid species»

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The earliest known fossils of homo sapiens date from about 100,000 years ago, and paleontologists tell us that hominid species go back some 4.4 million years.
A member of the now - extinct hominid species Homo erectus engraved a geometric design on a sea shell nearly half a million years ago, long before the earliest evidence of comparable etchings made by modern humans, researchers say.
In Asia and Europe they would encounter populations of hominid species from earlier migrations that had evolved their own differences.
Five skulls from the same time period, including the first complete adult skull of the early Pleistocene (far right), suggest that early hominids may have been a single Homo species.
These hominids, whose remains date to between about 100,000 and 60,000 years ago (SN: 4/30/16, p. 7), had chimp - sized brains, short statures and, like H. naledi, some skull features resembling early Homo species.
Most of the senior members of the Chorora research team also belong to the Middle Awash project team that has recovered the fossil remains of at least eight hominid species, including some of the earliest hominids, spanning nearly 6 million years.
SA: Recently, archaeologists working in Ethiopia announced that they had found evidence that humans were using stone tools to butcher animals 800,000 years earlier than previously thought, and the hominids in question were probably australopithecines, namely Lucy's species,.
Early hominid reliance on carcasses as a source of meat, and the competition with fellow scavengers that went with it, are thought to have contributed to the evolution of human tool use, cooperative food acquisition, and even language development — the very things that define us as a species!
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