Sentences with phrase «early learning needs»

To take this step, governors should commission an assessment of their state's early learning needs based on existing strengths and challenges.
We're the only puppy school that specializes in all the social, developmental, and early learning needs of young puppies.
How Cities Embrace Their Infants and Toddlers «provides information on how cities around the country are addressing the early learning needs of their babies and toddlers.»
The brief provides ideas about what different data may reveal about early learning needs.
Meeting the physical and early learning needs of young children is a critical prerequisite for their economic opportunity and mobility later in life.
Every child deserves the child care and early learning they need to reach their full potential.

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I learned early on that you need to keep an eye on everything.
«World class thinkers learn early on that becoming a millionaire isn't easy and the need for comfort can be devastating.
As my company's founder, I was essentially its first sales rep.. But as we've grown, I've needed to scale sales and hire new reps.. One of the most important lessons I've learned from growing a sales team is that spending time with newly hired sales reps early on can yield exponential jumps in productivity and revenue.
Some skills need to be learned early on, or else their absence could spell a tragic fate for your business.
Early adopters include The Wood Whisperer Guild, where subscribers can learn everything they need to know about cabinet making for $ 129 per year.
Entrepreneurs need to learn early on that you can't launch a startup unless you have raised enough capital for both your product development and your initial sales and marketing activities.
You learned how to think, but then you need to be trained, so investing a lot of time in doing that early is smart.
But the more we learn about the negative implications of the Russia sanctions bill, which sailed through the Senate earlier this summer by a vote of 98 - 2, the clearer it becomes that the House will need to play the role of «cooling saucer» to prevent a few loosely written provisions in the bill from scalding the U.S. economy.
[00:08] Introduction [02:50] Tony introduces Ray Dalio [05:30] Ray's upbringing and early life [06:00] The first stock he bought [07:00] Getting hooked on the market [07:30] Why he wants to share his secrets now [08:15] The three stages of life [08:45] Finding joy in helping others achieve success [09:15] Creating principles in life [09:45] Why his new book is a recipe book [10:45] The two things you need to be successful [11:10] You have to stress test your ideas [11:50] The power of making mistakes [14:00] Public humiliation in 1982 [15:30] The most painful experience became the most powerful [15:50] Learning to ask: «How do I know I'm right?»
Leaders and executives need to learn to interpret signs of chronic stress early on, former banker Claudia Kraaz writes in an essay for finews.first.
Natacha's belief that children need a strong start during their most important developmental years drove her passion to create CEFA Early learning Schools for children ages 1 - 5.
If you are worried about losses you have suffered in recent years, you can use this tool to learn what you need to do to get back on the track to early financial freedom.
From the earliest weeks of life, when an infant is taught to control hunger in order to meet the sleeping needs of parents and to fit into a social pattern in which people do not eat during the night; through babyhood, where etiquette skills include learning conventional greetings such as morning kisses and waving bye - bye; to toddler training in such concepts as sharing toys with a guest, refraining from hitting, and expressing gratitude for presents, manners are used to establish a basis for other virtues.
By expressing our needs (via tears and protest early on and through words after age two) and then having our needs met by those who love us, we learn that needs are good, that expressing those needs results in relational connectedness, and that others can be trusted to provide for us.
During the early years, however, Jose and I practiced a parenting style consistent with what we were learning in church — negative emotions were «bad» and somehow needed to be avoided or at least taken care of quick.
Presuming it was waterproof, that just means they had building skills learned over the years — almost all early settlements were near water so it's something they'd need to learn quickly.
I stated earlier the need for respect in all interpersonal learning.
All Year: The Bible (There are many translations available at Anchor Bible Commentary Series - The Women's Bible Commentary, Edited by Carol A. Newsom and Sharon H. Ringe - Living Judaism: The Guide to Jewish Belief, Tradition, and Practice by Wayne D. Dosick - Women in Scripture: A Dictionary of Named and Unnamed Women in the Hebrew Bible, the Apocryphal / Deuterocanonical books, and the New Testament, Edited by Carol Meyers, Toni Cravien, and Ross Shepard Kraemer - Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, Edited by John Piper and Wayne Grudem - Discovering Biblical Equality: Complementarity Without Hierarchy, Edited by Ronald W. Pierce, Rebecca Merrill Groothuis and Gordon D. Fee - Women in the World of the Earliest Christians: Illuminating Ancient Ways of Life by Lynn Cohick - God's Word to Women by Katharine C. Bushnell - Don't Know Much About the Bible: Everything You Need to Know About the Good Book but Never Learned by Kenneth C. Davis - «On The Dignity and Vocation of Women» by Pope John Paul II - The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs
I learned from my grandma at an early age that you MUST make AT LEAST triple the amount of food that you really need.
«We learned early on that franchisees entering new markets need to develop and open multiple restaurants as quickly as they reasonable can in order to really develop and benefit from brand awareness,» he says.
What I have learned is that we need to take our vacation in early June — before the garden even starts to think about being ready.
Learning by earlier mistakes, we only packed the food and props that we actually needed for this photo shoot.
What we need to do from this is to reflect on our wage bill structure because if we don't then more problems like these will occur / Also we really have to resolve player contracts much earlier than leave it to the last year, haven't we learned from this in the past already?
He needs to play his game but learn to release the ball earlier, not keep inviting people to tackle him.
I do nt think we need another defensive midfielder we have Xhaka who in my personal opinion had a decent first season (made some early mistakes but we saw him adapt to the role and learn as the season went on - i aspect him to do develop even more next season)
Just needs abit more consistency and needs to take advice from cazorla and ozil, to release the bal earlier, and learn from cazorla how to use his centre of gravity to his benefit
Come on guys, this comes out from Ian Wright lol Mustafi and Gabriel is still much better than Holding, Holding stillhas a lot to learn, the kid still does nt take risk therfore no silly fouls, but defenders need to take those risk earlier in their career and learn fast.
@Gunner In order for him to do that, he would have needed to learn how to use his low center of gravity early on in his development and get comfortable doing so.
I am happy that we got Xhaka deal done early and I hope Gazidis has learnt from his mistakes in the past, we all know Wenger is not a transfer wizard so lets demand the guy who does transfers to be that wizard we need.
We'll need to get a lead on others in the early part of the season to have any threat on the title - because other teams will get stronger during the season as new players learn their new teams -
Educare, which serves more than 3,000 children at its 21 centers, is intended primarily as a demonstration that even highly disadvantaged children can enter kindergarten ready to learn — but that in order to achieve that goal, they will need early interventions that are intensive (not to mention expensive).
Learning that you can't count on your parents to be there when you need them is a tough lesson to learn that early in life and can be a root of many of the social problems we are facing today.
Activities in Waldorf early childhood education take into consideration the age - specific developmental needs of young children, from a focus on will - oriented physical activity in the first three years, then on imaginative play in the middle years of early childhood, and later a more cognitive approach to learning after the child enters school.
The author writes: «Parents and caregivers are not passive guardians of children in the earliest years; we're active participants in building their learning foundations and we need support, not blame, in this extraordinarily important role.
They need to learn to stand up to peer pressure, and that can start at an early age.
There seems to be an increase in the world and it may have something to do with our digitalized universe that we're now immersed in but it basically is mild form of autism is or Asperger's syndrome is people are not be involved with others, that they feel comfortable on their own, that they have difficulty picking up social cues, emotional cues from others, that they have a harder time imagining what the other person might feel and they oftentimes just need to be trained or especially early that this is what's going on so that they can begin to compensate and learn about the other person and how they might be feeling.
Babies left to cry - it - out often do end up sleeping through the night earlier than babies whose needs are responded to because they have learned to give up on their needs being met.
Attachment parenting is based on the idea that babies learn to trust and thrive when their needs are consistently met by a caregiver early in life.
Through coaching, we learned that alert children need more sleep and the likely cause of our son's early rising was due to him being over tired.
During the early formative years, kids are learning how to meet their own needs.
Sometimes baby's latches are occasionally shallow in the early learning stages, which usually means baby is sucking mostly on the nipple; this not only feels painful, but also baby is not getting the proper amount of milk needed.
All babies could benefit from an easy place to settle down and go to sleep, as sleep is very much needed in early stages of development to keep an active and curious mind that is constantly learning.
But again, I learned early on that you never know what goes on in people's families or what they need, or why they're doing what they're doing or not doing what they're doing, so I really try to mind my own business.
Conventional attitudes about boys permeate all aspects of society — parents, grandparents, teachers, and coaches — and has created... a «boy code»: myths that boys» behavior is driven solely by their hormones and not the environment, boys need to learn to be tough at an early age, and so on.
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