Sentences with phrase «early markers of inflammation»

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A detailed understanding of how TSPO binds to such markers opens up novel paths for diagnostic imaging and could constitute an important step along the way to early detection of such diseases and inflammations.
Researchers at the Ludwig - Maximilians - University, the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), and the Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research (ISD) in Munich, Germany, have identified a brain inflammation marker in patients at early asymptomatic stages of Alzheimer's disease.
Foundational research on homocysteine as a marker for inflammation and early development of heart disease.
Interventions targeting modifiable risk factors (eg, smoking, inactivity, and poor diet) in adult life have only limited efficacy in preventing age - related disease.3, 4 Because of the increasing recognition that preventable risk exposures in early life may contribute to pathophysiological processes leading to age - related disease, 5,6 the science of aging has turned to a life - course perspective.7, 8 Capitalizing on this perspective, this study tested the contribution of adverse psychosocial experiences in childhood to 3 adult conditions that are known to predict age - related diseases: depression, inflammation, and the clustering of metabolic risk markers, hereinafter referred to as age - related - disease risks.
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