Sentences with phrase «early readers understand»

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A company that early on understood the relationship between reader enthusiasm and selling stuff?
This story reminded the early church readers that not even the disciples understood what was happening in their midst.
If the readers of texts in both the Jewish and Christian communities took their responsibilities seriously and understood that they were making a significant contribution to worship, we too can recapture the enthusiasm for public reading which the early Christians enjoyed!
Perhaps now that I have described them, the reader will better understand why, in my own analysis, neither involves an abrupt discontinuity with my earlier life and thought, even though each has made for a different and, I should hope, more adequate understanding.
I realize this may not be clear or meaninful to some readers and I can't take the space here to go into it other than to say that a good segment of biblical scholarship for a couple decades at least, has properly broadened its pursuits in an interdisciplinary manner, into probing for better understandings of the nature and formative, growth processes of the earliest groups of Jesus followers and how they ultimately became Jewish Christian groups, or started as mixed Jewish / Gentile groups (as via Paul, et al.).
And, if we go on, how do we tell which meaning or meanings was or were intended by the author or understood by his readers, early or late?
That's why I've included page by page lesson plans, guided practice worksheets, and text specific reader's notebook prompts for the following strategies: Visualizing Determining Importance Asking Questions Understanding Text Structure Synthesizing I also created an Extension Activity for early finishers.
That's why I've included page by page lesson plans, guided practice worksheets, and text specific reader's notebook prompts for the following strategies: Making Inferences Visualizing Determining Importance Understanding Text Structure Synthesizing I also created an Extension Activity for early finishers.
Both Toppo and Vogel — whose piece was published in late February and reviewed here in early March * — approached their topics through the lens of charter schools, which is an understandably newsy but problematic strategy when it leaves readers with a confused understanding of the problems being described.
Recently, experts at the organization Defending the Early Years issued a report focusing on one of these bad standards: the standard calling for kindergartners to «read emergent - reader texts with purpose and understanding
They leave the reader with a clear understanding of the myriad of ways in which high - quality early childhood education programs matter in the early years, and they matter a lot.»
Or, if not redeemed, that readers should be given more reason to like and understand them a bit earlier.
As a developmental editor working with authors on early drafts, I frequently go back to find and help fill in the spaces, so the reader can understand a character's private process that leads to new behavior.
I spent a lot of time in earlier threads showing what climate science could do to rescue itself (and there was even some reluctant acceptance from some quarters here) but the brand is badly damaged, and the press and their readers understand that.
While early text readers sounded robotic and were hard to understand, Google's DeepMind ® AI allows computers to mimic the human voice in a manner that is virtually indistinguishable from a real human voice (Listen to some sample audio files and read more about how they are created).
Without Cappelli's Lexicon, it would be impossible for modern readers of early manuscripts to understand what is written or referred to, even if we can read the letters.
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