Sentences with phrase «early relative»

A newly discovered early relative of Tyrannosaurus rex was a fearsome predator in what's now southern Utah about 80 million years ago, according to a study.
In lampreys, for example, certain parts of the brain and the mouth that distinguish the animals from earlier relatives begin a rapid decay within 24 hours.
Fortunately, its survivors included early relatives of dinosaurs and mammals, as well as the ancestors of turtles, lizards and amphibians.
They also present evidence for similar differences between the sexes in Australopithecines (early relatives of humans), suggesting that women long ago evolved such scaffolding to compensate for walking upright while supporting their swelling wombs.
The original version of The March of Progress, drawn for a popular science book in 1965, lined up all the early relatives of humans known at the time in chronological order.
Some 125 million years ago, a chicken - size Sinosauropteryx, an early relative of T. rex, scampered through northeastern China.
The same sites have also produced some of the earliest post-Devonian tetrapods, four - limbed creatures that included some of humanity's earliest relatives, filling a post-extinction lull in their diversity known as Romer's Gap.
So it's possible that these early relatives of modern mammals evolved in cooler, upland areas and that the dinosaurs were in the hotter, lowland areas.
The jewel was an exquisitely preserved skull of an early relative of giraffes, Samotherium.
Early relatives of dinosaurs called dinosauromorphs (two creatures shown at right) as well as early cousins of mammals (at left) lived in what is now South America about 235 million years ago.
«These findings demonstrate a single origin of gills that likely corresponds with a key stage in vertebrate evolution: when some of our earliest relatives transitioned from filtering particles out of water pumped through static bodies to actively swimming through the oceans,» says lead author Dr Andrew Gillis, a Royal Society University Research Fellow in Cambridge's Department of Zoology, and a Whitman Investigator at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, US.
WHALE IN TRANSITION The skull of Mystacodon, a 36 - million - year - old whale found in Peru, is an early relative of today's baleen whales.
Nearby, however, the team discovered fossils of two animals, a primitive parrot - beaked reptile and an early relative of mammals, that are both believed to have lived several million years before Herrerasaurus and Eoraptor.
Darwinius and Notharctus, on the other hand, are adapiform primates that are early relatives of living lemurs, the most distant branch of the primate family tree with respect to humans and other anthropoids.
Artist's reconstruction of Timurlengia euotica, an early relative of Tyrannosaurus rex whose keen hearing probably made it an effective predator.
Newly described fossils (including a lower jaw, inset) suggest that Janjucetus, an early relative of modern whales that strain tiny crustaceans from large volumes of seawater, used suction feeding instead to grab indi
* Correction, 5 May, 3:57 p.m.: An earlier version of this story stated that mosasaurs were living 130 million years ago at the time of the earliest relatives of modern birds.
Early relatives of the sauropods, the Late Triassic plateosaurs or prosauropods, may have occasionally stood on their hind legs.
A newly discovered dinosaur, Lythronax, was an early relative of T. rex and had big sharp teeth and binocular vision.
The ancient dolphin is an early relative of modern dolphins and porpoises.
They discuss the results of analyses on teeth and crania of two early relatives of our species, separated widely in both time and geography, and they reach intriguing conclusions.
Like lampreys, they are considered to be «living fossils» similar to the early relatives of vertebrates that lived hundreds of millions of years ago.
«We have a preference for small - and midcap stocks with long runways for growth where the benefits of innovation are sustainable and early relative to the potential opportunity, resulting in high rates of growth for many years.»
But this early relative SoHo success did not spare Delaney from the obscurity and poverty that would plague him to the grave.
I'm currently an «early relative» style with my acquisitions mixed in, so it is a warm mix of treasures.
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