Sentences with phrase «early salmon run»

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Similarly, the establishment of legal fishing seasons can affect the timing of salmon runs by selectively killing late or early migrants.
The peak of the sockeye salmon run in the Naknek River watershed, which the Brooks River is part of, is in early July.
Early winter salmon spawning runs usually draw more consistent killer whale activity further south in the Salish Sea into Puget Sound and this year has been no different.
It's almost like we — the twenty - and early thirty - somethings — are coming of age at some weird potluck of every social issue staring us in the face: food insecurity, epic natural disasters, stock market crashes, three wars, droughts worse than the Dust Bowl, banks getting away with robbery, extreme poverty, corporate - purchased elections, rising childhood obesity, rising deficit, salmon run extinctions, flocks of birds dropping out of the sky, college debt surpassing credit card debt, you name it.
In the writings of early colonists, there were so many salmon, shad, alewives and other species swimming upriver to spawn that the waters were said to «run silver» with these fish.
Before you scroll away, however, consider how a volcano - fertilized North Pacific Ocean phenomenally restored Pacific salmon runs in 2010 - to levels not seen since the early 1930's - and how this restoration squares with conventional wisdom about «iron seeding» being too hazardous to experiment with as a potential geo - engineering method.Following the late August of 2008 Aleutian volcano eruption, which spewed iron - rich ash over the North Pacific Ocean, the cohort of 2009 salmon (which «ran» in British Columbia streams in August of 2010) produced a spawning run much larger than what those same streams hosted 100 years ago.
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