Sentences with phrase «early sexual activity»

They are more likely than their peers to engage in early sexual activity.
Does father absence place daughters at special risk for early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy?
New research suggests growing up without a father puts girls more at risk of early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy.
Although early sexual activity may be caused by a variety of factors, the media are believed to play a significant role.
Hence, the most likely explanation of the overall link between teen sexual activity and depression is that early sexual activity leads to emotional stress and reduces teen happiness.
Teens without fathers were twice as likely to be involved in early sexual activity and seven times more likely to get pregnant as an adolescent.
when you consider that the average online dating website costs $ 30 a month, and most men probably join 2 or 3, they are already Sending and receiving text messages with sexual content: Relations with early sexual activity and borderline personality features in late adolescence
So there is much to be worried about, especially with regard to the continuing pressures the Church faces to conform to the perceived wisdom about how to respond to problems such as early sexual activity, teenage pregnancy and STIs.
Researchers using a pool from both the U.S. and New Zealand found strong evidence that father absence has an effect on early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy.
And even if a child abstains from early sexual activity, she is still unprotected, Koutsky says: «Your child may abstain until marriage, but her partner might not.
Thus, among sexually active teens, those who regretted early sexual activity outnumbered those without such concerns by nearly two to one.
Nicholson says there's been plenty of research suggesting a link between early sexual activity and father absence but this major longitudinal study is the first to definitively rule out a range of other contributing factors.
Severe difficulties at home, in school, and in the community are common, and frequently there is very early sexual activity. is an education initiative aimed at delaying early sexual activity among young -LSB-...]
Crime, teen suicide, early sexual activity along with pregnancy, drug abuse, runaways, poorly educated, and the list goes on and on.
Daughters raised by single mothers are more likely to engage in early sexual activity and become pregnant; their brothers are twice as likely to spend time in jail as their peers raised by married parents.
«Does Father Absence Place Daughters at Special Risk for Early Sexual Activity and Teenage Pregnancy.»
The REAL U manual is a personal development and sex education programme aimed at equipping young people with the skills, knowledge and confidence to develop healthy relationships and delay the onset of early sexual activity.
The disorder is associated with early sexual activity, substance abuse, reckless acts, and suicidal ideation.
The ones who can not handle the difficulty of making sense of two worlds might be the ones who numb their pain with addictions or early sexual activity, or who suffer from depression.
One of her core beliefs is that public school can actually be harmful to children, contributing to early sexual activity and exposing kids to gang violence and drugs.
Study after study shows that early dating leads to early sexual activity.
Adolescents with divorced parents are more likely to engage in risky behavior, such as substance use and early sexual activity.
«Peer pressure is a key contributor to early sexual activity in our country.
It can also lead to earlier sexual activity and pregnancy, as well as emotional depression and anxiety, the study authors explained.
Dr. Sax offers fresh approaches to disciplining children, as well as gender - specific ways to help girls and boys avoid drugs and early sexual activity.
Thus, in addition to its role in promoting teen pregnancy and the current epidemic of STDs, early sexual activity is a substantial factor in undermining the emotional well - being of American teenagers.
A few years ago, QUT's Nicholson was involved in research with Professor David Fergusson, another of the Christchurch team, which found that teenagers in step - families are 50 per cent more likely to engage in early sexual activity and have multiple partners.
The significance of this study is that it rules out economic disadvantage as the underlying factor influencing girls» early sexual activity in father - absent homes, says Dr Jan Nicholson, senior research fellow at the Centre for Health Research at Queensland University of Technology.
«The earlier the father is absent from the home, the greater the risk of early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy,» Ellis says.
Low self - esteem in adolescents can lead to eating disorders, early sexual activity, substance use, and suicidal thoughts.
Would you like to share the life - changing Positive Discipline principles with parents of teens, but worry about whether you're equipped to support parents who may be dealing with unmotivated or rebellious teens, early sexual activity, or drug and alcohol use, especially when the stakes are so high?
Abstract: Early sexual activity can undermine adolescents» future school success and health outcomes.
Research bears this out, indicating that girls who grow up with absent dads are more likely to engage in early sexual activity and to become pregnant as teens.
These include a belief that dating violence is acceptable, the presence of anxiety, depression, or a history of trauma, aggressive behavior, use of illegal drugs, early sexual activity and multiple sexual partners, having a friend involved in dating violence, conflicts with a partner, and being a witness or experiencing violence in the home.
Similarly, girls without fathers are twice as likely to be involved in early sexual activity and seven times more likely to get pregnant as other adolescents.
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