Sentences with phrase «early sources»

Each of these, of course, depends on earlier sources.
Most Biblical scholars agree that some of the books were written many years after the events to which they refer, although they incorporate earlier sources.
On the opposite wall, at the back, you will find a reproduction of Pearlstein's Superman (1952)-- a precursor of Pop, like American Eagle and Dollar Sign, which may have served as early sources of inspiration for Warhol.
Even Jerome, who is one of the two earliest sources for the mention of Bartholomew, seems elsewhere, when writing to Marcellus, to acknowledge the primacy of Thomas.
Unlike Meier, Crossan takes the Gospel of Thomas very seriously, arguing that it includes early source material for Jesus» teaching.
But other early sources speak of another John, known as the elder, who lived at Ephesus, and suggest that he was the author.
Had Ron and Shamir done even rudimentary research into the identities of said addresses, such as a search on the Bitcoin - OTC site, Bitcoin Talk forums, or even via a simple Google search, they could have easily found that the original very early source address in question (12higD) is, very publicly, one of mine and not one of Satoshi's as they insinuate in their paper.
there can be no doubt that it was based upon earlier sources, and, unfortunately, the grounds for a decision as to what is earlier and what is later have not been established by literary criticism, perhaps can not ever be.
But if Paul recounts appearances but says nothing about the empty tomb, Mark, our next earliest source, tells of the empty tomb, but does not describe any appearances.
While Matthew and Luke frequently draw from a common earlier source, Mark's account is often somewhat different.
He offered a detailed yet clear review of the recent challenges to the classic JEDP hypothesis and posited his own theory that J was an editor who drew together earlier sources (including P, a reversal of typical critical theory) into the narrative of Genesis somewhere between 1250 - 950 B.C.E.
This point is hard to establish with any degree of certainty because (1) we know that Luke used Mark, and (2) we know that Luke was accustomed to compose speeches (whether he used earlier sources or not) in order to provide discourses he regarded as suitable for various occasions.
Volcanic lightning may supplant those as the main early source of fixed nitrogen, says atmospheric chemist Rafael Navarro - Gonzalez of the National University of Mexico in Mexico City.
By making it easier to see live exotic animals, the menagerie functioned as a «prescientific laboratory» that made obsolete earlier sources of beastly lore: illustrated encyclopedias called bestiaries that described not only elephants, lions, and crocodiles but also dragons, griffins, unicorns, and talking pigs.
In dogs which have been spayed early the source of the hormones is eliminated, which puts these dividing cells at risk of mutation and malignant transformation by environmental carcinogens.
The single player campaign demo is part of the beta if earlier sources are to be believed but it has not been mentioned so far on Origin or other pages.
My recent paintings are about home - literally, in that they deal with the stuff of houses, schools and yards, and figuratively, in that they return to early sources of personal inspiration - the pasted color papers of the Josef Albers color course (which was my first art class) and the «total space» of Hans Hofmann (which I studied at the New York Studio School).
24:11 (of uncertain date, but not conventionally assigned to the «A» or early source in Samuel) where «the prophet Gad» is «David's seer.»
According to an earlier source above, companies that publish 16 or more blog posts per month get 3.5 times more traffic and 4.5 times more leads than companies that publish up to four.
But Apple's early sourcing of them and manufacturing «bottlenecks» mean they might have trouble until next year.
I highly recommend «The Sealed Nectar» or «Muhammad: His life based on the earliest sources».
This does not necessarily indicate an earlier source, if anything it lessens the credibility that these other 2 were «eye - witness» accounts of any kind.
c) you seem unaware that Paul is one of (if not THE) earliest writer in the NT (and most scholars presume the earliest source is the best source)
Consider the Book of Tobit, the earliest source we have that documents the importance of giving alms to the poor.
Perhaps some notes of Paul's were incorporated, somewhat as the Gospel writers drew on earlier sources, but it is practically certain that these letters in their finished form stand at or near the end of the New Testament writings.
and notice how the key factor in ALL of this discussion is what the earliest sources say.
Moriz Winternitz, who objects to Kern's predated quotations for the earlier sources, would date the original form of the book at about A.D. 200.
tshorey2013 hharri - The point that was being made was that the sayings of Jesus can be attibuted to earlier sources, not that those sources were any more wise or holy.
We see it in the way the written documents were collected and edited for use in synagogues and churches; we note it in the way the authors adapted the materials they used in order to say something to their readers; we see how the earliest sources reflect the influence of the community and its context.
The earliest figured gospel sources may not have preceeded the second century but that does not mean that there is no possibility whatsoever that there was earlier sources that is unknown to current historians.
For one thing, he can not fail to observe that the element of the miraculous grows in bulk and importance as one moves from our earlier sources to the later.
But what are these earliest sources?
He points out that the earliest source of Christianity, St Paul (who did exist), never met a physical Jesus himself.
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