Sentences with phrase «early specialization»

"Early specialization" refers to a scenario where a person focuses on a specific activity or skill from an early age and spends most of their time and effort developing that specific area instead of exploring a wide range of different activities or skills. Full definition
One of the reasons often cited in favor of early specialization in a single sport is the myth that it increases the chances of athletic success.
The essential feature of early specialization programs is a high volume of deliberate practice.
Encourage them to play different sports and avoid early specialization.
Lastly, I include a comment about the movement of some law firms away from early specialization by associates.
Early specialization also seems to be correlated with reports of decreased general health and psychological well - being.
It therefore concludes that «an awareness on the part of coaches, parents, and training professionals of the advantages and disadvantages associated with early specialization and early diversification» is essential.
Expert sports educator John O'Sullivan shares some of the possible benefits of early specialization for children in different types of sports and activities.
One of the principal reasons early specialization in a single sport and playing on a highly - competitive travel or select team at a young age is a bad idea is that it can interfere with healthy child development:
As a result, Norway has underwhelmed on the international stage in early specialization sports like gymnastics, which ask that children train in one sport well before adolescence to advance to elite competition.
Above all else, issues of early specialization garner the most interest, the most eager questions, and often, the most frustration.
One of the reasons against early specialization often overlooked by parents is that the year - round commitment and extensive travel it often requires can become so consuming that childhood essentially disappears, interfering with normal child development.
«People and parents who buy into the 10,000 - hour rule can push early specialization in a sport, leading to physical or mental burnout before it's clear that a child even has a penchant for that sport,» Macnamara said.
«Kids playing the same sport year - round have no off - season, and this type of early specialization leads to more stresses and more overuse injuries than you normally would see.»
«And while the link between early specialization and injury has yet to be clearly defined, our data may have important implications with respect to injury prevention in youth athletes.»
Postpone early specialization as long as possible — and continue to encourage sports sampling throughout development.
Read about IIT Chicago - Kent's early specialization track for first - year students in the legal press:
As someone who has long argued that too - early specialization limits the ability of junior lawyers to fully appreciate, understand and address the diverse aspects of legal issue and client needs, I welcome the move to more broad - based experience for junior associates and hope the practice spreads.
Some UK firms recently announced that they are reversing the drive toward early specialization and returning to the practice of having associates rotate through several areas of law in their first few years of practice.
We can debate the psychological costs / benefits of participating in early specialization sports, but I'd like to side - step that issue for the moment.
Across sports and researchers, the consensus seems to be that early specialization programs increase dropout (Côté et al., 2009; Wall & Côté, 2007), poorer health, and more frequent injuries.
It will them develop a variety of transferable motor skills such as jumping, running, twisting and simultaneously reduce the risk of overuse injuries that too often result from early specialization.
The recent addition of early specialization in IR (ESIR) also gives residents an opportunity to complete a mini-fellowship in interventional radiology during the R4 year.
The study also recognized, however, that the fact that those who specialize early may experience a more rapid improvement in performance provides some support for those who argue in favor of early specialization, at least in the case of sports, such as figure skating and gymnastics, in which athletic careers are shorter and attaining peak performance at a younger age may be advantageous.
Early specialization is generally defined as work - like and deliberate practice at a high volume from as early as six or seven years of age.
That is, we might consider women's gymnastics, figure skating, and diving to be early specialization sports because the best athletes are often very young.
Balyi and Hamilton (2004) describe sports as either early specialization or late specialization sports.
Among sports characterized as late specialization, there are two proposed developmental pathways to elite sport development: Early Specialization and Early Diversification (Côté, Lidor, & Hackfort, 2009).
Overuse injuries are increasing at alarming rates, largely due to early specialization and year - round playing.
Early specialization can thus interfere with normal identity development, increasing the risk that a child will develop what psychologists call a one - dimensional self - concept in which they see themselves solely as an athlete instead of just a part of who they are.
Early specialization and intense participation on select teams, say child psychologists, may interfere with normal identity development, increasing the risk that a child will develop what psychologists call a one - dimensional self - concept in which she sees herself solely as an athlete instead of sports being just a part of who she is.
Early specialization and playing on a select or travel team take their toll on a child's growing bones, joints, and muscles.
«It is probably because the human voice is such an important social cue that the brain shows an early specialization for its processing,» added Anna Blasi of King's College London.
Parents should carefully consider whether year - round competition and early specialization are appropriate.
«For example, this early mysticete retains teeth, and from what we observed of its skull, we think that it displays an early specialization for suction feeding and maybe for bottom feeding.»
Still, conformational flexibility may have played a key role even at the early specialization stages, as the concomitant long - range mutational effects may have helped avoid stasis between the improvements in the catalytic machinery caused by rare mutations at the active site.
Early specialization was mandated by many firms in the UK and the US as a response to high associate salaries and hourly fees.
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