Sentences with phrase «early stimulation»

The theory is that early stimulation helps to develop connections in the brain that might otherwise not have developed.
These considerations together lead to a logically inescapable conclusion that maternal care is neither sufficient nor necessary for mediating early stimulation effects on offspring development.
The Army's research revealed that early stimulation of the puppy from the 3rd day through the 16th day influence rapid neurological growth and development.
16 and 41), rabbits (42), and nonhuman primates (43), three mammals with varying levels of maternal care, mild stimulation consistently induced changes in the adult offspring without a correlated increase in maternal care, which means that greater maternal care is not necessary for the functional enhancement associated with early stimulation.
Although these findings seem to lead to a compelling conclusion that the more maternal care offspring receive, the greater functional advantage they have during adulthood, it has long been noted in the literature on rodents that early stimulation of the mother and stimulation of pups are intrinsically confounded in neonatal handling studies because dams of handled pups are removed from the litter during the procedure (11 — 14).
And earlier stimulation to this discussion came from Evelyn and James Whitehead in their Method in Ministry (Seabury.
In 2011, researchers analyzed test scores of middle school children, taking into account how long they had been breastfed as babies, their family income, maternal factors and early stimulation.
Madres Guías (i.e., mother guides) provide prenatal education, newborn screening, early stimulation, parental education and support, nutrition services and basic education.
This early stimulation not only enhances health but also builds trust and a strong bond between the puppies and humans.
It remains to be examined by using the neonatal novelty exposure procedure whether the early stimulation - induced changes in neuroendocrine and associated cellular / molecular measures associated with handled rats (38) can be preserved despite a lack of greater maternal care.
A large body of literature has explored the contribution of maternal care in mediating the early stimulation effect on offspring's HPA axis development.
These functional enhancements in novelty - exposed rats occurred despite evidence that maternal care was directed preferentially toward home - staying instead of novelty - exposed pups, indicating that greater maternal care is neither necessary nor sufficient for these early stimulation - induced functional enhancements.
Madres Guías (i.e., mother guides) provide prenatal education, newborn screening, early stimulation, parental education and support, nutrition services and basic education.
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