Sentences with phrase «early tool»

Previous studies have attempted to simulate early tool making, for example, by showing participants images of tool production and then looking at brain activity.
CRISPR is becoming a powerful technique in cancer research because it overcomes some of the limitations of earlier tools
We believe this style nail trimmer offers comfort to groomers that they have not seen before in earlier tools
This revealed that their owners had been tree swingers but had also spent a lot of energy tightly pinching small objects, suggesting they were indeed early tool users.
In the largest experiment ever undertaken into the manipulative pressures experienced by the hand during stone tool production, biological anthropologist's analysed the manipulative forces and frequency of use experienced by the thumb and fingers on the non-dominant hand during a series of stone tool production sequences that replicated early tool forms.
«Researchers are now equipped with a search template of what such very early tools might look like, and will be better able to recognize them.»
«Projects which have identified early tool compounds and validated their biology as a CBCS project are clearly very attractive for us within the drug discovery platform» comments Per I Arvidsson, Executive Director of DDD.
For more information on dealing with this question, see the «Expected Earnings Question» in an earlier Tooling Up column.
Read my earlier Tooling Up column about «Tell me about yourself» responses and have one ready to go at a moment's notice.
(See an earlier Tooling Up article on this topic, «Finding Bliss in Your Daily Tasks.»
Matthew Skinner at the University of Kent in the UK and his colleagues have now found something they think is as exciting as finding an earlier tool.
Earlier Tooling Up articles on networking were dissected and used to support one member's view that we promote annoying phone calls and spam e-mail.
GameSpace builds on two earlier tools the team developed for finding games, called GameNet and GameSage.
«The fact that these more advanced forms of cognition were required to create Acheulean hand axes — but not simpler Oldowan tools — means the date for this more humanlike type of cognition can be pushed back to at least 1.8 million years ago, the earliest these tools are found in the archaeological record,» Putt said.
Given the earlier tools in this guide, the possibilities are unlimited.
Television is an early tool for synchronous learning.
In a second step, the students then integrate their found objects — stuffed animals, early tools and sculptures — within the context of the exhibition.
In fact the surface seems to imitate plastic — his earlier tool of choice.
Martsolf experimented in the early tools of Bryce, Poser, Kai's Power Tools, and similar photo editing and photo manipulation products.
The hourglasses — one of the earliest tools for timekeeping — encapsulate Miami's humid air and ink dust extracted from U.S. banknotes.
I see Pipes as one of the early tools for letting the public mix any content it can find.
You do realize that many of the earliest tools and inventions have women's finger prints all over them right?
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