Sentences with phrase «early vaccinations»

If you are getting a puppy you will need to follow a schedule for early vaccinations.
This serious and fatal disease can be prevented with the help of early vaccination (more about Puppy vaccination schedule and costs).
Along with early vaccinations, you can help increase pounds of gain by collaborating with your veterinarian to select a low - dose implant best suited for your herd.
CPV is highly contagious, although the incidence of infections has been considerably reduced by early vaccination of puppies.
Nearly everyone living in this country today has had their lives positively impacted by a nurse, whether it was those first moments in the delivery room, getting early vaccinations, during a trip to the middle school nurse's office, at an urgent care clinic, or in a hospital setting.
He adds: «Early vaccination not only provides early immunity, but it also causes less stress on pigs than post-weaning vaccination and provides better vaccination technique when handling each pig as it is vaccinated.»
MDA is the most common reason early vaccination fails to immunize.»
Feline cancer, however, is less common than canine cancer, and the more prevalent types of feline cancer can usually be prevented through early vaccination and spaying or neutering.
Early vaccinations often neutralize or block the maternal immunity.
We provide early vaccinations, worming, testing and medical attention, and the animals are spayed or neutered before they are adopted out.
But to cover them, one can add them to their parent's policy which can cover early vaccinations and post natal care.
«By early vaccination, we have basically given these mice lifelong protection against a disease they were destined to have,» said the study's lead investigator, W. Martin Kast.
Pets must be on a leash or in a carrier and owners wishing a 3 year certificate must show proof of an earlier vaccination.
While all participants remained disease free, the earlier vaccinations produced the most robust initial and long - term antibody response, Ferris says, of levels of the infection fighters that can be measured in the blood.
While it has been thought that the timing of school vaccinations played a large role in producing the second wave of infections, the models did not show a strong link, but indicated that an earlier vaccination schedule could have helped.
Earlier vaccinations are not effective because kittens ingest beneficial protective antibodies in their mother's milk during the first few hours after birth, but these antibodies also interfere with their responses to vaccines.
Early vaccination can prevent the occurrence of kennel cough.
Early vaccination can neutralize natural maternal antibodies and leave your puppy unprotected.
Those early vaccinations can create a «herd immunity» in which the vaccinated majority will provide protection for individuals who have not developed immunity.
Earlier vaccination is clearly a doomed strategy, because maternal antibody wears off over time, and the puppy would have had more, not less, maternal antibody at a younger age.
A strong maternal immunity can actually interfere with early vaccination (see handout «Vaccination Failure in Dogs»).
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