Sentences with phrase «early warning»

"Early warning" refers to receiving a signal or information about a potential problem or danger before it happens. It helps to prepare and take action to prevent or minimize the negative effects of the situation. Full definition
The metric became part of early warning systems in many states.
Know the breed tendencies and observe your dog's behavior for early warning signs of this risk.
She is currently examining the role of early warning indicators in predicting college readiness.
Identify indicators of change in the state of permafrost to serve as early warning signs for possible tipping points in the state of the arctic system.
These factors are commonly used to assess heart disease risk because they provide early warning of potential problems in patients who do not yet have heart disease.
These assessments also act as early warning signals to educators to identify students who are struggling and get them back on track.
Most earthquake early warning systems measure properties of seismic waves to quickly characterize an earthquake.
The brain health index may also give early warning of risk of future cognitive decline in individuals before they notice any symptoms.
The district also uses a risk index system that provides early warning about a student being on track for graduation.
You will have to contact Early Warning Services for a copy of your consumer report.
It's also where you get early warning signs of issues; it's where you're actually hear what people are telling you.
Beyond that, word of mouth among dog owners and at the vet's office is your best early warning system.
It's important that educators notice behavior changes in students to help identify early warning signs of vulnerability in children and young people.
These programs include early warning systems, early case assessment, and root ‐ cause analysis.
To address these needs, the committee believes that action is needed to develop an abrupt change early warning system.
Get early warnings when bad actors are trying to attack your reputation or manipulate your customers, and learn how to defend yourself.
When your dogs is suffering from kidney disease, they may show early warning signs of dog kidney disease, but this is relatively rare.
That includes easing poverty and creating early warning systems for disease outbreaks and bad weather.
Contact Us today to learn more about how we can help our clients launch and implement early warning systems.
The device supports the emergency mail function to receive the disaster and evacuation information and the earthquake and tsunami early warnings.
The shooting is a reflection of what happens when we don't spot early warning signs or address issues of mental illness in young people.
See how we help schools, districts, and states develop effective early warning systems.
A properly functioning smoke alarm can be a great early warning tool that will alert you to a fire with enough time to get your family to safety and call the fire department.
It's packed with information and guidance such as understanding the diagnosis, recognizing early warning signs and working with medications and doctors.
Even if science gave clear insight into the conditions to be avoided, or early warning if a crisis is brewing, responses must take place through government regulation and the political process.
Most experts believe that much of the damage might have been avoided if those living in threatened areas had received early warnings and taken adequate precautions.
Learn how to make early warning indicators a true part of your school culture.
Teachers could barely suppress saying told - you - so during the chaos over testing - after so many early warnings seemed to have been ignored.
It's not uncommon for writing «mistakes» to be systemic, so early warning can be useful — as it has been with my books.
What's more, heart attacks under 50 are twice likely to be fatal for women as they are for men, possibly because women often ignore early warning signs.
There are things owners can do to monitor their dogs, such as taking a resting respiratory rate and observing them closely to catch early warning signs of heart disease progression.
Changes in appetite and behavior are some of the most common early warning signs of illness.
He could have a powerful, new early warning system.
The dream is to allow even developing nations affordable early warning devices t...
And we know enough agents had early warning time to make the trade.
The benefit is a medical early warning on a previously unknown scale.
They found that «critical slowing down» is a reliable early warning signal of a society on the edge of going bust.
They were really thinking about middle school, and they also wanted early warning indicator information for students throughout their high school experience.
If he could create an affordable, easily installed early warning system, thousands of lives and homes could be saved.
The telescopes could then be knit together into a global early warning impact system.
Regular vet visits can help your cat feel less stressed about the experience, get regular booster vaccinations, and reveal early warning symptoms of serious feline illnesses.
Included in the guide is a set of templates to document decisions and organize the analysis to identify and select appropriate early warning indicators for your school or district.
Your veterinarian can find early warning signs of cancer in cats from a good history and physical exam, long before you would notice anything at home from your cat's behavior.
By middle and high school, chronic absence is a proven early warning sign that a student will not graduate on time.
Besides the inability to detect the scents of peppermint, orange, fish, rose and leather, here are other early warning signs of dementia.
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