Sentences with phrase «earn gold bricks»

Obviously, there is a catch — you can't just go wandering round random Lego world biomes, you do have to complete several missions in the worlds helping NPC's with builds, finding bricks, finding characters — the list is endless — all to earn the gold bricks allowing you to visit new worlds.
Each time the player fills the meter completely, they gain a stud - collecting rank, earning a gold brick and some parts for the game's custom character creator.
While studs have already been explained, within actual story levels once attaining a given number of studs a player will attain «True Wizard» status for that given level, and this will earn him a gold brick.
This will allow you to gain true ninja and earn yourself a gold brick.

Not exact matches

Succeeding at these bonus challenges serve as extra ways to earn classic gold bricks, which can then be used to unlock even more content in the game like bonus levels, and more of the heroes on what is easily the largest roster shipped with any Lego game.
Collecting minikits and saving Stan Lee from obvious peril also return as extra ways to earn those precious gold bricks.
Downtime in between levels is spent traipsing around the open world map of Manhattan, performing checkpoint races and hunting down gold bricks to open up ancillary stages to earn more character unlocks.
Succeeding at these bonus challenges serve as extra ways to earn classic gold bricks, which can then be used to unlock even more content in the game like bonus levels, and more of the heroes on what is easily the largest roster shipped with any Lego game.
Gold bricks are earned for many things, and not just studs, there are a total of 200 within the game.
Gold Bricks can be earned by doing well in a foot race, taking on small quests or finding them by using specific characters to gain access a previously unreachable place.
With over 300 characters to unlock, dozens of worlds to explore, 20 levels to master and piles of Gold Bricks to earn, Bricks To Life is here to help!
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