Sentences with phrase «earth approach where»

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We live in a world where social morality must recognize that planetary society is approaching the ecological limits of the earth.
The main lesson here is that we must not only teach and learn about a «new heaven and a new earth,» but must create in our classrooms and activities the kind of small - scale cosmos where these are more nearly realized and approached.
Meat Free Monday supporter Mary McCartney has launched a brand new food blog, P for Peckish, where she plans to share her culinary adventures and down to earth, relaxed approach to food.
As Derrickson explained at a panel discussion on his film at the California Institute of Technology — where he was joined by Keanu Reeves, Caltech cosmologist Sean Carroll, and Jet Propulsion Laboratory roboticist Joel Burdick — Shostak redacted some meaningless mumbo jumbo in the description of the spaceship's approach to Earth and replaced it with «The object was not following a gravitational free - fall trajectory; as such its path was recalculated.»
At its closest approach, Proxima is 4300 sun - Earth distances from its partners; at its farthest, the star is 13,000 sun - Earth distances out, which is where it is now.
This location was chosen because it is one of the most Mars - like locales on the face of the Earth: the island is completely uninhabited and unvegetated; it receives almost no precipitation, and is thus nearly as dry as Mars; temperature extremes approach those of Mars; the impact crater where the station is located is similar to many such craters on Mars.
As magma approaches the Earth's surface, it either erupts or stalls in the crust, where it interacts with surrounding rocks, cools, and crystallizes into solid rock.
If the United States wants to put a permanent base on the moon, a valuable mission would be to place an observatory on the far side where it could look for earth approaching objects.
As the world gears up to trade in the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, to address the earth's warming, the Green Belt Movement has been approached because their stands of trees could be certified as a place where carbon is stored.
I am in an interesting position of being in the geology field where people know that the earth has a very long history and take it in stride, and also having been trained in geography, which takes a more short - term social approach.
It has been suggested that a top - down allocation approach is more appropriate for boundaries where human activities exert a direct impact on the Earth (that is, climate change, ocean acidification, ozone depletion and chemical pollution), while a multiscale approach is more appropriate for boundaries that are spatially heterogeneous (that is biogeochemical flows, freshwater use, land - system change, biodiversity loss and aerosol loading).8 Even with a top - down approach and a single global boundary, however, allocation is fraught with difficult ethical issues.
Asad Rehman head of climate and energy at Friends of the Earth had this to say «A weak and dangerously ineffectual agreement is nothing but a polluters charter — it legitimises a do - nothing approach whilst creating a mirage that governments are acting in the interests of the planet and its people,» «Doha was a disaster zone where poor developing countries were forced to capitulate to the interests of wealthy countries, effectively condemning their own citizens to the climate crisis.
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