Sentences with phrase «earth move»

He added that since the team took over the task about months ago, they've been able to move over 60 earth moving equipment from illegal mining sites.
As Earth moves around the sun and the sun moves around the galactic center, our planet passes through dark matter.
Under the contract Kon Construction was to be paid on the basis of earth moved in the grading work.
Grade checkers, by means of grade stakes, guide the direction of earth moving equipment such as excavators and bulldozers.
Even then, however, summer temperatures in a mid-latitude location like Erie, Pennsylvania, in the United States would peak around 140 ° F (60 ° C) under a Sun that looks twice as large, as Earth moves within even Mercury's orbital path.
It was a pretty down - to - earth move for someone who had incited a near - media frenzy as «the next big thing» and appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine, but it was becoming clear that McConaughey — who was living in a trailer park in Malibu — was a breed apart from the usual self - absorbed young stars.
Scientists are confident CO2 was lower during the ice ages and that its rise was coupled to rising temperatures when Earth moved to an interglacial.
Let us first be kind and set aside natural phenomena like a bolt of lightning, which is 1.7 million times faster than the car, or Halley's comet, which approaches Earth moving at some 240,000 km / hour.
i was thinking why on earth you moved from stevia to agave on my run the other day.
It's a festering, pus filled pit of manipulation and despair with no currently known bottom; and don't be mistaken, publishers are digging, they're blasting and strip mining and all the heavy earth moving machinery in the world wouldn't be able to match their pace in the race to the bottom.
During my studies I have found that in 1614 over 300 humans conspired to create these fake bones to fool scientists, then used heavy earth moving machinery such as tractors to bury these fakes all over the planet.
The faster Earth moves, the more dark - matter detections it would make, and so the number of flashes detected would vary throughout the year.
«Do you understand that earth moves heaven?
The DAMA scientists attributed this to Earth moving through a dark matter «wind».
A star's gravity keeps a planet moving in orbit, like Earth moves around our sun.
C.H.A.T has cleared the whole length of the Waterden Road area twice, as new cats are turning up and appear to be those migrating from the Southern part of the site, which now has so much site traffic and heavy earth moving vehicles on it, that any remaining cats will be constantly on the move as this alien environment changes almost daily.
That was the year Dot Earth moved to the Opinion section (I had left the news staff to teach at Pace University).
5 C) THE SEASONS Earth's revolution & the tilt create seasons March 21 st Sun's rays fall directly on equator Equinox (equal night) Tropic of Capricorn 23 1/2 degrees South December 22 nd Shortest day of sunlight in northern hemisphere Winter solstice Tropic of Cancer 23 1/2 degrees North June 21 st Earth moves so sun falls on this latitude.
Performed various duties like inspecting soil quality, building soil structure, raking and mechanical earth moving as per the need
Instead of remaining stationary in the middle, Earth moved around the sun just like the other bodies.
Mr. Amewu also promised to fix electronic trackers on earth moving equipment in order to track their activities and clamp them down if they are seen in mining areas.
During winter, Earth moves in roughly the opposite direction of the sun's movement through the galaxy, but during summer, their motion becomes nearly aligned in the same direction.
Let's start with Caterpillar, the maker of earth moving equipment that has for years been the poster child for global slowdown.
The kid in question is pudgy and feisty Ricky Baker (the endearing Julian Dennison, in what's sure to be his breakout performance), who's spent most of his 13 years on earth moving from foster home to foster home, learning to be that tough little kid on the outside, while writing and reciting haikus to reveal his true inner feelings.
During the Dark Ages, when Christians ruled the Earth, people who noticed that the Earth moved around the Sun were routinely crucified or burned at the stake for saying so.
I will await the demonstration of you earth moving abilities...» = > one can test and establish if the mountain was moved or not, however the claim is not falsifiable.
Along with 1 Chronicles 16:30, Psalm 96:10, and Psalm 104:5, this was taken to show that Galileo's claim that the earth moved around the sun was contrary to the teaching of the Scriptures.
(CNN)- Dropping to his knees before the 10 cardinals of the Inquisition, dressed in the white shirt of penitence, Galileo Galilei was forced to retract his «heretic» theory that the Earth moved around the Sun.
Although he could not prove it, he became convinced that the earth moves around the sun, and that consequently the general belief, following Aristotle, in a central earth is wrong.
What will happen if the sun move a little be or what happen if the earth move a little be, who control them?
In the 16th century, John Calvin argued on theological grounds that anyone who believed that the earth moved in space was «motivated by a spirit of bitterness, contradiction, and faultfinding; possessed by the devil.»
Even John Calvin argued that «those who assert that the earth moves and turns... [are] motivated by a spirit of bitterness, contradiction, and faultfinding; possessed by the devil, they aim to pervert the order of nature.»
-- be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt; «I know that I left the key on the table»; «Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun»
Sorry, but people thought the sun went around the earth because they (like you) have never seen the earth move, but they did see the sun rise and set.
Why does the earth moves around the sun?
I'd read his strong words about women, Catholics, and those «fools» who proposed that the earth moved around the sun, but I chalked all that up to context and figured he was ahead of his time in every other way.
Researchers tell us that when people in the 1989 San Francisco earthquake recovered from the shock of feeling the earth move, in many case their next act was to turn on television, because they needed to have their real - life experience validated by the media.
As the second half of the quote described, the heresy was:»... that the sun is the center of the world and does not move from east to west, and the earth moves and is not the center of the world, and that one may hold and defend as probable an opinion after it has been declared and defined contrary to Holy Scripture.»
In the 17th century, Galileo used the metaphor of the «two books» to help Christians of his generation understand the sacred truth that the earth moves about the sun.
In 1616 the Catholic Church banned all books that suggested the earth moved at all.
Galileo said that the earth moves and that the sun is fixed; the Inquisition said that the earth is fixed and the sun moves; and Newtonian astronomers, adopting an absolute theory of space, said that both the sun and the earth move.
Home to works of art by notable Renaissance artists including Botticelli and Masaccio, Santa Maria Novella was also home to one of the earliest attacks on Galileo, accused of heresy in 1614 for claiming the earth moves around the sun.
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