Sentences with phrase «earth this year as»

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Or, as the paper put it: «If an industrial civilization had existed on Earth many millions of years prior to our own era, what traces would it have left and would they be detectable today?»
In a billion years, for instance, a swelling sun will scorch our food chain, boil our oceans and extinguish life on Earth as we know it.
Wildfires have gotten worse in recent years because of climate change, and that trend is expected to continue as Earth's average temperature rises.
The 100 % Northern Minerals owned project will operate as a large - scale pilot plant for three years, with the goal of expanding into one of the world's only significant suppliers for critical heavy rare earths outside of China.
Jupiter's Great Red Spot is about twice as wide as Earth and has tumbled in the planet's atmosphere for at least 350 years.
Since 1,700 top scientists issued a dramatic warning 25 years ago about humanity pushing the Earth beyond its capacity to sustain life as we know it, we've managed to stabilize one of the things that was worrying them: the depletion of the ozone layer.
This, Klosterman argues, is how it has always been (for a while we were certain the Earth was flat until that was proven incorrect), and from that starting point, he attempts to explore which ideas or truths we believe today may be seen as woefully incorrect 100 years in the future.
2017 was an earth shattering year for cryptocurrencies as the total market appreciated by 3,300 %.
The cryptocurrency bitcoin has been in the headlines this year as its value skyrocketed to nearly $ 14,000, before swiftly coming back to earth.
As a result of that action, the monopoly no longer existed, and the telecommunications industry exploded with innovation so dramatically that in just 16 years, many of the most successful and entrepreneurial companies on earth are those associated with telecommunications.
Rare - earth prices are set to extend their decline from records this year as buyers including Toyota and General Electric scale back using the materials in their cars and windmills.
I would like to share with you the work of our senior economist Marc Lee, who heads up our Climate Justice Project, as well as the work of one of our research associates, veteran earth scientist David Hughes (who spent 32 years working for the Geological Survey of Canada, where he focused on unconventional gas, coal and oil research).
Jason; so sorry you were so misled but the Bible refers to the earth as a circle (Isa.40: 22) some 700 years before Jesus ever came here and many other descriptions of what goes on here are so accurate as to make one wonder how man would know and if you are sincerely interested in finding what the bible really teaches (and having those misconceptions corrected) just ask and I will be glad to help or go to for all the free help you will ever need.
The depiction of hell as a place of eternal punishment and torture of sinners has been an unnecessary roadblock to faith for many for it suggests a God who unfairly punishes sins of 70 years on earth as warranting eternal damnation.
That trees were created already decades old, with existing tree rings demonstrating their age; that dinosaur bones were placed in the Earth already millions of years old; canyons were created with layers of sedimentary rock AS IF they had been carved out by water over eons, etc..
An Australian geologist who got his credentials dating rocks billions of years old, still selling his services as a qualified geologist, but also employed as as a «Creationist Assistant Professor of Geology» by the Institute for Creation Research in the USA, where he supports a young earth.
I am not hung up on a 6 day creation, 6,000 year new earth and the like as it does not change the truth expressed.
Heaven is that planet 35000 light - years from earth, ten times as big made of hydrogen and oxygen for water, gold as atmosphere (yes we're taking the gold) But to desist as soul when given the chance in hell if you truly believe seems impassible for me to fathom.
Hello Hadz — As a practicing Mormon we believe one of the purposes of the millennial period (the 1,000 year return of Christ to the earth) is to complete the promise in the Old Testament's Malachi 4:6 to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers, and fathers to children.
There are so many contradictions in the bible, not only to what science has proven... (Adam was not created first and given dominion over the creatures of the earth as Genesis states) Dinosaurs inhabited earth for millions of years, millions of years before the first bipeds roamed.
Where those who push «intelligent design» go wrong is they distort or deny real physical evidence to promote the notion that the earth is only 5000 years old and the world we see is as it was initially created.
It's 60 percent larger than Earth, with sunshine, oceans, active volcanoes, twice as much gravity and a 385 - day - long year.
If your friend jesus came to earth today he would be locked up as a nut case which is what he was 2000 years ago, a deranged moron.
See how Judas dealt with Jesus his years on earth — read the Poem of the Man God — a journey presented to us as a great gift but not accepted.
As some scientist's estimated the age of earth to be billions of years.
We should all be living as if we know with 100 percent certainty that this is our last year on Earth.
I could sit here and point out how stupid you are for believing in science, a group of people that once believed the Earth was flat as early as a few hundred years ago, or believed that bleeding someone out was the best way to cure the flu... or as early as the 40's and 50's that it was okay for people to drink water with high levels of radiation because it would give you energy and cure what ails ya.
Dala, you believe (as I understand) in evolution and the accepted conclusion that the earth is over 4B years old.
in the day, s that jesus our lord was on the earth (jesus) there was many people named jesus, just as among hispanic and central american peoples, it was a common popular name of many people, if you want to prove to your self that jesus was not married, look up what the apostle said,» i saw standing upon mount zion with the lamb 144,000, these are they that have washed thier robes and were not defilled with women, for they are virgins, jesus emphasised in parts the need and values of a husband and wife in a home, the two mary, s and the women that followed him and ministered unto him tells us the great importance of women, and women in the home, he wanted all married men to have thier own wife, in those days of so many years ago there was false prophets, storytellers, wild imaginations, he told us not to believe them, whether you are catholic, christian, islamic or any other, we can all take pride in the fact what the prohets, jesus and the apostles told us all fits jointly to gether, they were a work of love, to understand the christian bible correctly, islamic people are not rejected, but rather they are a equal, the angel told hagar to return to her mistress, he also told her he would make ishmael a blessing and his seed a great nation, regards
Either they necessitate a deceptive «God», e.g. creating starlight «in transit» which means that for some light the star that supposedly sent said light would never have actually existed, or they would cause effect that should be evident but are not, e.g. temporarily fast starlight would effectively cook many things, such as life on earth, if the required light (and attendant gamma radiation) were compressed into a significantly shorter time frame (think of the radiation from the apparent 13 billion years of the universe arriving at the same time, or even over a 1000 years).
Further, given the constantly changing goal - posts of a politics immersed in the emotivist chaos of competing psychological identities and subjective personal rights, why on earth would anyone now want to pursue a career that in five, ten, or fifteen years might be torn from them simply because somebody somewhere finds a right to goodness - knows - what in the Constitution — even, as in this case, when their job does not actually require them to be involved in said goodness - knows - what?
Probably not as bad as when I found out that 46 % of Americans believe that the earth was created in the last 10,000 years but still crying nonetheless.
The point is you speak of things as FACT and then something changes by 14 BILLION YEARS in a distance of 347 miles from the Earth observation to Orbit, and you just say OH well that's science for ya.
That just as all the products we use came into existence through a mind, these being consistent with reality, so likewise of not only the earth with its marvelous ecological systems, but all the universe by which we keep time, from the passing of one day to the passing of one year allowing to keep track of time, that all these diverse, but harmonious systems are the product of a Supreme Designer for the benefit and enjoyment of mankind.
Most importantly, note this: I am a Christian, I'm gay, I'm a recovering alcoholic, I believe in Evolution, I believe the universe is 13 billion years old and that the Earth is 4.5 or so billion years old, I believe man evolved from lower primates and that Adam was the first man who God gave a soul and sentience, I do not believe in hell but I do believe in Satan, I do not believe the Bible is a book of rules meant to imprison man or condemn him but that it is rather a «Human Existence for Dummies» guide, I believe Christ was the son of God but I do not believe Christianity is the only «valid» religion, I do not believe atheists will go to hell, while the English Bible says God should be feared, the Hebrew word used for fear, «yara», such as that used in the Book of Job, actually means respect / reverence, not fear as one would fear death or a spider.
Hence, the earth is basically the same age as the «heavens» or universe, being billions of years old.
Why has science lagged behind the Bible in knowing that the earth is «hanging upon nothing», as seen at Job 26:7, some 3,600 years ago?
B.C.E.) postulated that the earth was round some 200 years later, due to seeing the moon as round and could see the shadow of the earth on the moon as well when it was quartered.
If a professor of evolutionary biology announced that they were going to spend the next year as a young earth creationist, they'd lose their job and their peers would likely deride the decision.
As the Danish statistician Bjørn Lomborg has shown in study after study, life expectancy is increasing on a global basis, including in the Third World; water and air in the developed world are cleaner than five hundred years ago; fears of chemicals poisoning the earth are wildly exaggerated; both energy and food are cheaper and more plentiful throughout the world than ever before; «overpopulation» is a myth; and the global picture is, in truth, one of unprecedented human prosperity.
During the «Younger Dryas» some 12,000 years ago, the earth very dramatically cooled and warmed by as much as 10 degrees Celsius in fifty years.
(Isa 40:22) Even though a Greek named Pythagoras suggested the earth was round some 200 years later due to the moon as well sun being round, it was not until more modern times that it has become established as fact.
If you wait 5 minutes, the secular world will increase the age of the earth by billions of years... and then the ice core dates will be trivial and likely moved as well.
I knew you were going to say 4.54 billion years as the age of the earth.
I've watched in growing frustration as this false dichotomy has convinced my friends to leave the faith altogether when they examine the science and find it incompatible with a 6,000 - year - old earth.
I'm guessing you are not so stupid as to ignore all the fossil evidence, carbon dating, and light source definition from other planets and still believe that the earth is not millions of years old.
Actually food for several years, since having salt water flood the earth would have caused the death of almost every plant that most of those animals could have eaten as well as damage the earth so the crops wouldn't have been able to come back for years.
And we are guaranteed the final «ph - oto» will take place in 3 - 5 billion years when Earth is absorbed by the expanding Sun as - suming we are not wiped out by a wayward asteroid, nuclear war or a few giant volcanoes.
Stupid things such as, «Jesus wants me to be rich», «the Earth is 6000 years old and every human is descended from Adam and Eve», and «my ignorant beliefs should be imposed on everyone by the government, as long as I don't have to pay for it.»
Twenty years from now, it will have about twice as many - and they'll represent more than a quarter of all people on earth, according to a new study released Thursday.
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