Sentences with phrase «ease feelings of pressure»

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I'm sure it has at least momentarily eased some of that pressure he's been feeling to replace Mathis, but I wouldn't expect the same type of performance from him going forward.
It also lowers blood pressure, eases digestion and helps increase air flow through the nasal cavities, creating feelings of mild euphoria akin to those of yoga or Lamaze breathing, researchers say.
But it probably doesn't ease the emotional anguish of feeling the pressure to wean before you and your child are ready.
Here at Breastfeeding Mums we endeavour to help ease some of the pressure you may be feeling.
Being able to correctly identify and address the needs of your baby will deepen the bond with your child, and ease much of the pressure and stress that is felt by parents.
Trump definitely deserves credit for creating the circumstances in which China would feel the need to pressure North Korea towards a more peaceful path, both through his public statements and the current strained trade relations between the U.S. and China, since China may believe that by stepping down the Korean conflict they could ease some of the rhetoric coming from the administration.
The truth of the matter is, no one will stick with an exercise program they don't feel comfortable doing, so at - home workouts are a wonderful, low - pressure way to ease your loved ones back into a regular fitness routine.
There is no pressure of doing anything except enjoy life, and you can also ease into a more meaningful relationship if it feels right.
History may conclude that Duncan's use of ESEA waivers so eased the NCLB pain felt by states and districts that it also eased the pressure on Congress to fix the statute itself, thus — unintentionally — worsening the gridlock problem.
Its levels of pressure, the ease of use and the pen on paper feel were all great hits with the public.
It eases some of the pressure of calling an attorney and makes them feel more comfortable.
Adopting Siblings A Family for Every Child Discusses the ways in which adopting sibling groups can ease the transition into adoptive families, and lessen the pressure and trauma a child might feel as a result of this change in their environment.
«After years of trying to keep up with rising rents, it's time we take a more holistic look at how government at every level, working with the private market and others, can ease the pressure being felt by too many unassisted renters.
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