Sentences with phrase «easier than the brain»

It's considerably easier than the brain stuff I did for his dad.

Not exact matches

Eating at regular intervals, she says, makes the body more comfortable burning fat when it needs extra energy, rather than drawing from the easier - to - get - at glucose reserves in the muscles or the brain.
Stories involved different parts of our brain, so they're easier to remember and less threatening than cold, hard facts.
One word that makes us happy: Progress [21:21] We grow because that helps us give more — share it with someone you love, it magnifies it [22:04] More excited about feeding one billion people than any material thing, so much more meaning when it's not just about you [22:19] The challenge is our brain: it's looking for what's wrong, because that helps you survive [22:30] Peak state = high energy, feel extraordinary, producing results is easy [22:46] Low energy state = say things and do things that hurt your relationship [23:39] Peak State = Beautiful state, Low - energy state = suffering state [24:08] Over achievers don't suffer, right?
I guess it's easier to fall back on some high and might invisible thing rather than use your brain power for something practical that could really change the world for the better.
First, Whitehead emphasizes that the signs for numerals, letters, and mathematical operations are not the outward side of a language essentially different from, and more mysterious than everyday language, but that they are introduced to relieve the brain (see IM 39) and «to make things easy» (IM 40).
It's much easier for snails to develop thin waists n grow hips, butts n busts n learn to twerk than for Wenger and the board to listen to the fans I don't even waste my brain cells trying to imagine such an impossible situation n I advice all of you to shun such thoughts of pure fiction n immense madness
These days it's so easy for kids to want to vegetate in front of the TV or a computer, rather than actually use their little brains.
Mindfulness does take practice, but each time you practice it, it actively changes the neural pathways in the brain so that it's easier to respond mindfully in stressful moments rather than continue to struggle with the primitive «fight or flight» reactions.
Though less easy to spot than, say, rolling over or saying «Ma ma,» other amazing cognitive and social skills reveal how much is underway in her developing brain.
«It is much easier for us to look inside somebody's eye than to look into somebody's brain,» Dr. Leigh said.
This and subsequent similar experiments used guinea pig brains because they're larger and easier to work with than mouse brains.
«Small molecules are much easier to make than larger compounds, they are easier to get into cells and their potential for getting into the brain is higher,» he said.
Reading brain commands for mouth movements may be simpler than reading cognitive content, but it is hardly easy.
To Hariri, it makes sense that it is easier to connect our genes with brain activity than with emotional experiences.
Some brain scientists believe that our fear systems are prepared to learn about threats — snakes, spiders, or heights — that have been major obstacles to survival over the millions of years it has taken the modern brain to evolve, which explains why it is easier to develop phobias about snakes than about threats that are statistically much more likely to kill you, such as electricity.
When Rupprecht conducts rabies genetic research in China, he finds it is easier to sample brain tissue from deceased humans than from animals.
Their smaller and simpler brains make them far easier to study than wild turtles and pigeons, and so may one day provide some answers.
Surprisingly little study has been done on large, loopy networks like the ones in the brain — probably in part because it is easier to think about brains as tidy assembly lines than as dynamic networks.
«We went from a slow, average depiction of brain activity in a cognitive challenge to a quick test that is significantly easier for children to do than spend hours under observation,» Montague said.
The adult brains of people who lived through lots of stress before the age of six — and then became depressed or anxious as teenagers — were different than in adults who had an easier childhood.
This second brain influences our emotions, even though they're sometimes expressed as physical feelings rather than thoughts that are easy to articulate.
Reversing brain fog can be even easier than determining the source of it.
When you try to explain it to someone, it's far easier to talk about clapped - out adrenal glands than it is to start talking about the HPA axis and how your brain might be involved and perhaps the sensitivity to a bunch of hormones.
But longer days and sunnier skies prompt changes to your brain and body that can make losing weight — and keeping it off — easier than usual.
The pink, long sleeved dress with ruffled top and white collar makes it easier than ever to crush people's brains, help the boys find their friend and obsess over waffles.
The harder difficulty settings, too, where enemies have health buffs and require more combos and smartly - timed dodges to successfully defeat them, are generally way more engaging with a friend and more entertaining than the brain - dead A.I of the easier settings — I daresay even younger players will probably gravitate towards that extra challenge.
Easier than how quickly this total stranger fights his way into the inner sanctum is the way you will walk away from such thickheaded, fist - brained filler.
It's easy for people to dwell on negative affective states because, according to neuroscientists, there are more neural networks in the brain associated with negative affect than with positive affect (Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Finkenauer, & Vohs, 2001); some scientists even speculate that these may be in the ratio of 5 to 1.
The author explains that it is easier for our brains to remember pictures than it is numbers.
At the time, it seemed like an easier route to success than brain surgeon.
This system brings a solid sense of progression to the game, and hunting down some of the bigger vials which grant you extra experience provides some of the most challenging moments in the entire game, making them more than worth hunting down for anyone feeling that the is a bit too easy, though even at its most difficult Trine 2 is not a very taxing game on the old brain.
The harder difficulty settings, too, where enemies have health buffs and require more combos and smartly - timed dodges to successfully defeat them, are generally way more engaging with a friend and more entertaining than the brain - dead A.I of the easier settings — I daresay even younger players will probably gravitate towards that extra challenge.
Monsters Are Distractable — This is easier for artists than it is for writers, because different parts of the brain are used.
Your fingerprint is way easier for someone to get ahold of than the contents of your brain.
While such injuries may be easier to recover from than traumatic brain injuries or spinal cord injuries, there may still be lasting complications, including serious, chronic pain.
of years of legal training, so rather than using legal shorthand because it's quicker and easier for you, engage brain and translate into plain English.
If it has a nice memory attached to it, remind yourself that you have this stored in your brain and can access it whenever you need it (arguably easier than you can access the object!)
It's also not as easy to say out loud, which may be more of a thing in my brain than it is yours.
Doing so is quite easy though: you can either choose to have it automatically come on between sunset and sunrise, turn it on manually (also an option in the Quick Settings) or you can set a custom schedule if you'd prefer to blast your brain with blue light a little later in the night than dinner time.
Curiously, our brains are proven to remember and recall occupations a lot easier than names.
When I interviewed George Vaillant for the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) monthly newsletter, I asked him whether right - brained people find it easier to express love than left - brained folks.
The pictures will also make it easier to stay focused because the brain processes visuals much more quickly than plain text.
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