Sentences with phrase «easier time working»

Better tools mean an easier time working your farm.
It's also the last iPad running on 32 - bit architecture, so developers should at least have a bit of an easier time working across devices.
You might have an easier time working with a private landlord if you have concerns about credit or references, but you're also less sure of what, exactly, you're getting.
We humans have an easier time working with decimal or hexadecimal digits than we do with binary ones.
If you observe these basic rules, you will have an easier time working with your dog, and training sessions will be much more pleasant for the both of you.
You might have an easier time working with a private landlord if you have concerns about credit or references, but you're also less sure of what, exactly, you're getting.
I had an easy time working with them and I'm not that financially savvy.

Not exact matches

This work and rest cycle was popularized as the Pomodore technique as an easy way to keep your mind sharp and energized and help you accomplish more in less time.
If your work is truly something that you love doing, then making it through all of the difficult times and making your business last will make it that much easier, and that much sweeter.
This makes it easy for me to remember to touch base with my boss at the end of each day for a daily project update, to invite daily communication and collaboration with my team members in a morning email, and to ensure that I'm remaining engaged in my work community by scheduling time to reply to important emails each afternoon.
If your work feels too easy, you're going to have a really hard time making it.
It's easy to think that a room with a desk and a computer is going to be an effective office, but there are steps you can take before you begin working from home full time which will support your new lifestyle.
At a time when about one in five young Canadians are underemployed or working in precarious part - time jobs, it's easy to think that the more education you have, the better.
As they reflected on their work with clients, they realized that all of the time tracking solutions in the market made it easy to keep track of the amount of time spent on a project but didn't focus on treating time for what it is — inventory.
In a coworking space, for example, it's easy to join in on topic - specific discussions, head to the gym to work out at any time of the day, grab coffee at all hours, change up your work surrounding, take important calls in sound - blocking rooms and even catch some Z's in a nap closet.
It's easy to want something to be perfect, but most of the time that's not going to happen, no matter how hard or how long you work at something.
Netflix's work environment may indeed make it easy for new parents to take off the time they need to achieve work - life balance.
What we needed to do was work with Apple to very quickly get a new build out her that would create this nice, easy to use invite system, which has only been done one other time on the app sore as far as I know.
The worst hack of all is wasting time searching for easy fixes for your work routine.
«A lot of times people think social entrepreneurs are doing easy, bleeding - heart work.
Working a job all day and freelancing the rest of the time is tough but digital tools are making it easier.
This means less data entry work for you, more convenience for them, and an easier time for everyone.
Not only will they have an easier time getting into the classroom, but ed tech businesses will also have more to work with.
Prepare your lunch ahead of time and make sure it's easy to eat while you're working, because you will then...
It's a habit that isn't easy to break, but once you do develop a system that works for you, the time saved will be very noticeable.
Senators also spent a significant amount of time reading letters from constituents about the effects of the scandal on their own lives, which not only looks bad for Stumpf and Wells Fargo, but also allows the politicians an easy opportunity to prove that they are working for the people who elect them.
It had to partner with more than 300 food vendors to make those «clean» menu changes, a process that Panera director of wellness Sara Burnett said took a lot of time but was made easier by the fact Panera often worked with existing vendors to make the switch.
It's so easy to get caught up in answering emails and working on individual projects, so if you set a specific time to work with a team member on something, you can both plan your days around it and use that scheduled time productively.
Frind takes it easy, working no more than 20 hours a week during the busiest times and usually no more than 10.
Those who work in a language - driven field such as marketing will have an easier time tweaking the verbiage of their resume, for example.
The process is not easy and can take up to two years, however, investors will appreciate the shorter wait times, and a stamp of approval on your project means less work for you as the project moves along — and peace of mind for the investor.
When the pressure is on to fill a position, it's easier to use the clichéd «beer test» — as in, «would I have a beer with this guy» — as a decision - making tool than it is to undergo the complicated and time - consuming work of a more nuanced assessment.
Although it's easy for me to see it now, at the time I thought what I was doing at work was far more important and urgent than what was going on at home.
It's easy to rationalize that successful people benefit from a combination of hard work and good timing — and that if things were different, you too would reap the benefits of all your hard work.
If you make a mistake or forget to practice a new habit, it can be easy to convince yourself that you need to do twice as much work to make up for it next time.
That makes it easier to be in control of your «mind - wandering» time at work, and keep it under control.
Fine decided it was time to flip the industry by establishing an easy way for clients and designers to get connected and work together - within their own budgets.
Breakthrough: Near - real - time translation now works for a large number of languages and is easy to use.
The worst thing, though, was that when sitting, it seemed all too easy to ignore any physical discomfort and work for too long a time
By the time they finish, they have had a far better practical education than most American students — equivalent to an American technical degree — and, as a result, they have an easier time entering the work force.
One easy way to do this is to budget an additional 5 percent for writing a follow - up report of for helping to educate full - time employees on how to implement the project on which the contractor is working.
He covers the images sizes and type that work best for each network, keyboard shortcuts you may not know, outside tools that make creating and posting content easy, tricks for generating more shares, advice for the best times to post as well as tips on creating compelling headlines.
Building relationships and gaining a sense of how the company works will make your transition into becoming a full - time employee easier, and will also help you find a mentor willing to invest in you.
«While there is still work to be done, we've started tackling some of the industry's biggest issues head on, like roaming, by introducing services that are easy to use and save customers» time
In every issue of The Wagner Daily swing trade newsletter, we provide an easy way for subscribers to quickly determine our current overall market bias, based on the objective rules of our system for market timing (click here for an overview of how the timing system works).
According to Peter finding a formula that works 100 % of the time is no easy task.
Part of what comes across in the Times's reporting is just how easy it is for Devumi to work.
Done - For - You Sustainability Marketing from Your Own CSR Work: Now that you've spent time and money not only becoming a greener and more socially responsible company but writing it up in your CSR Report, you can have us identify and highlight that research and those accomplishments — and make it easy to use the best bits to make your marketing more effective.
As a single mom, this time isn't easy to find even when you sacrifice all your time, I'm also trying to finish school and if possible would be able to start my own business from home or will have more qualification to work from home for another company when I'm finished.
In her book, Unfinished Business: Women Men Work Family, Anne - Marie Slaughter advises: «Don't drop out, defer... if you keep your hand in the workforce while you are devoting more of your time to care, it will be easier to ramp up than to get back in.»
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